Plot: Jake's life is in a downward spiral when he meets a guy in an acting class that is willing to help him out. He hooks him up with a place to stay. The place overlooks another house where a mysterious woman claims Jake's attention. He is infatuated with her and starts following her around. Then he finds out he's not the only guy trailing her.
July 09, 2023
A pretty damn cheesy De Palma film, somewhat saved by its ridiculous plot and overdone genre moments. I'm not sure the film was actually intended to be a full-on cheese fest (probably not, to be fair), but it was the only way for me to get some enjoyment out of it. A great film this is not though.
Craig Wasson is a terrible actor, the thriller elements aren't tense at all and the plot is pretty hilarious. At least the pacing is decent enough and because everything is overdone, it never becomes excessively dull. This might've been a fun flick in its time, but like most of De Palma's films, they've gone downhill as time passed.