Plot: Nick Bianco is a low-ranking criminal who is taken in after a botched jewelry heist. Because he has a family he is given the chance to reduce his sentence, but only if he rats on his accomplices. He doesn't want to be a snitch but after three years in jail, something happens that changes Nick's mind.
July 20, 2023
Noir with a dash of noir. It's not the easiest genre to dig into if the appeal is lacking. It's one of the strictest and most formulaic niches there are, and it's quite restricted in time. I try to limit my intake so that I don't completely overdose, but when these films look and feel so much alike, persevering becomes quite the challenge.
Widmark and Mature are decent, and the drama works relatively well, but other than that I didn't really care for the film. The black-and-white cinematography was rather dull, the gravity of the film doesn't gel with its extreme adherence to genre clichés, and 100 minutes is quite long for a core genre flick. Not the worst in its genre, but that's not saying much.