Plot: Nobuo lives by himself after his wife died two years earlier. His youngest son Yasuo takes care of him, but they live in a small town and he starts to feel alienated. When the anniverary of his mother comes about, he decides to give his older brother a call, hoping that a visit of him and his wife might bring him some answers.
October 22, 2024
No false advertising here. There are many scenes where Ken Ogata is doing just what the title promises: walking around a snowy, rural village. The drama built around it is quite small too, but there are little moments of greatness here, small poignant details that give the film some necessary depth.
The performances are good, with a very solid role for Ogata. The setting is nice too, the drama is pleasant and Kobayashi keeps things breezy by adding a lighter (and rather atypical) score. It's a perfectly nice film, but it does lack something that makes it truly memorable. If you like Hokkaido though, be sure to give this one a go.
November 25, 2007
[review pending]