Plot: The titular mister Organ is a typical con artist, the type who would probably benefit more from psychological help than a documentary dedicated to his person. But Farrier doesn't care, he just loves to spin a narrative, put himself in the middle of it, and chase down some random subject who ends up taking the fall in the name of entertainment.
October 17, 2023
I wasn't really aware this was a David Farrier docu. If I had been, I might've just skipped it. I really don't care for documentaries where the host puts himself front and center. Even though this film was named after its so-called main subject, Farrier ends up making it all about him.
None of the interviewees inspire much trust, let alone give the impression they have anything valuable to add to the story. Farrier puts on a terrible act, Organ is a little weasel, but hardly the only one of his kind. I'd be happier to see someone like Organ get the help he needs, rather than seeing him featured in a doc devoid of empathy.