Mo Si Ke Xing Dong
2023 / 128m - China
Action, Crime
Moscow Mission poster


January 19, 2024


Herman Yau is an unstoppable force. The man released no less than three feature films in 2023, and it's not as if he just started making them. Mission Moscow is the weakest of the three, but it's still a pretty amusing action flick, with some impressive moments scattered throughout.

The Trans-Siberian railway between China and Moscow has become the terrain of a bold gang of robbers. They look for wealthy businessmen and rob them along the way. A Chinese team of detectives is put on the case, their mission is to catch the robbers and make the railway safe again.

Hanyu Zhang and Andy Lau are the main attraction, apart from the bold and explosive action scenes. The plot is pretty basic and the ending is predictable, the film is also too long for being such a simple affair, but if you like a decent action flick then you can't really go wrong with Yau's latest. Decent genre filler.