Plot: Completely out of the blue, Rei gets a phone call from Nanae, an old high school friend. Even though Rei's celebrating her girlfriend's birthday, she drops everything and rushes over to meet her. Nanae confesses to Rei that her marriage is in shambles and shows the bruises from the abusive relationship with her husband. Rei promises Nanae she will take care of the problem and sets out to seduce him. Nanae's husband appears willing enough to cheat on his wife and as they ride home, Rei mentally prepares hers
May 22, 2021
Hiroki's adaptation of the Gunjō manga is a tricky project. It's quite long, it doesn't feature the most accessible leads, it's rather blunt and it's set up in such a way that the intensity of the film decreases. But the performances are superb, Hiroki's lens is perfect and the core relationship intrigues from start to finish. The reception has been rough, then again that's no surprise when you release a film like this on a global platform like Netflix.