O Noapte Furtunoasa
1943 / 66m - Romania
Stormy Night poster

Plot: Dumitrache doesn't trust his wife and fears she is two-timing him with someone else. He talks to his confidant Chiriac, hoping he wants to keep an eye on her. Chiriac agrees reluctantly, what Dumitrache doesn't realize is that Chiriac is the very one who is having an affair with his wife.


April 26, 2023


Classic Romanian comedy. I wasn't even aware such a thing existed before watching this film, but there you are. A cinephile is never too old to experience new genres and niches. Not that I discovered my next big love in cinema, Stormy Night isn't exactly the type of film that makes me laugh.

The comedy is pretty frantic and loud, with few genuine laughs, let alone anything that resembles smarts or wit. The plot is also very simplistic and the performances are exaggerated to the point of annoyance. But at least the film was short and not overly slow. Slim pickings, but it's something.