
A pretty classic arthouse film. It's listed as sci-fi in some places, as it pitches a new idea to solve our aging population, but it's a core arthouse drama. There are no sci-fi elements beyond the titular Plan 75, which is nothing more than a new law being passed. Just setting expectations right here. The cinematography is decent but somewhat expected, the performances are solid without any standouts. It's a polished film, but the setup is rather basic and mulls on a theme that has been around for a while (anyone remember Roujin Z?). Plan 75 isn't a bad film, it's just a little too by the number to leave a strong impression.Read all

Japan's take on the "Ten Years" anthology project. It should've been a good chance to discover some new talent and dissident voices, but the result is way too safe and expected. Produced by Koreeda, but it mostly feels like a project directed by lesser skilled Koreeda knock-offs. The shorts themselves aren't terrible, but there is lots of wasted potential here.