films seen
average score
Alive and kicking


Journey to the Center of the Earth

2008 / 93m - USA
Adventure, Fantasy
Journey to the Center of the Earth poster

This must be one of the cheapest looking blockbusters out there. It's mind-boggling this film was made in 2008, it looks like a cheaper blockbuster from the early 90s. Maybe it's not so bad if you're watching this with your kids, otherwise I'd suggest staying away from it, unless you're a huge adventure addict.

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When a scientist uncle is watching over his nephew, he makes a big scientific discovery. They travel to Iceland, chasing Jules Verne's famous fantasy novel. Once there, they soon begin to suspect that Verne's book might be more than just a novelist's imagination, so they take a guide to bring them to the infamous volcano described in the book.

There are some positives, like the pacing and the short runtime. But that doesn't amount to much when the rest of the film is depressingly bad. The performances are dire, the CG is atrocious and none of the sets make sense or inspire awe. Not a film I'll remember for long (I hope).

Yogi Bear

2010 / 80m - USA
Comedy, Adventure
Yogi Bear poster

Yogi Bear has never been too popular here, so I was relatively unfamiliar with the series. Based on this film I'm going to assume it is aimed at very young kids, but even then the quality is paltry. If I'd ever had kids, this is exactly the kind of entertainment I'd tried to keep them away from.

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The mayor needs some money to keep his town afloat. Having sold most of the town's assets already, his next plan is to rezone some areas. Yellystone Park is at the top of his list, as the park only costs the town money. The rangers and Yogi aren't too happy with that decision, and they'll get a week to turn the situation around.

Live-action with 3D CG animated bears, done as cheaply as possible. I know the bar is generally lower when making films for the youngest, but this looked amateurish even if it had been a TV production. The comedy is horrendous, the performances are terrible and the plot is negligible. At least it was short.