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Toss Me a Dime

Tire Dié
1960 / 33m - Argentina
Toss Me a Dime poster

It seems many of the well-regarded, classic documentaries are mostly about the same thing: people in peril, people having to deal with poverty, social injustice and overall tough living conditions. Enter Toss Me a Dime, the Argentinian entry in this category. The title of the film says it all really.

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After a short (somewhat pointless introduction) on Santa Fe - the city where this takes place - the documentary quickly shifts focus to the people living in the Tire Dié neighborhood (meaning 'throw me 10 cents'). It what they shout whenever a train passes in their quarters, as the people living there are all struggling with poverty.

Using a mix of voice over narration and interviews, the film gives a pretty decent insight into the lives of the people surviving there. The thing is that I've seen this subject done so many times before, that there's really little value in seeing it once again. Sure enough, this doc is about Argentina, but it could've been about anywhere else really.