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The Glass Coffin

El Ataúd de Cristal
2016 / 75m - Spain
Horror, Mystery
The Glass Coffin poster

Single location horror films are quite rare, good ones even rarer. They do offer a director a perfect opportunity to go wild with the styling, and that's exactly what Zubillaga did here. The inside of a limousine may sound like a rather dull location, the film still ended up being an audiovisual delight.

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Amanda is an actress is on her way to receive a lifetime achievement award. When she enters the limousine she is ready for a night of celebrating herself, but the owner of the limousine has different plans. He drives her to a remote spot and locks her in. Something from Amanda's past is coming back to haunt her.

The twist may have been a little simple and the mind games not quite as nasty as needed, but the cinematography is stylish and colorful, the soundtrack extremely atmospheric and the performances on point. This results in a pretty moody and tense film, with some very fine climaxes and a worthy finale. Tighter editing and a slightly more daring narrative could've made this a solid personal favorite, not it stops just short of greatness.