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Alive and kicking


Mother Joan of the Angels

Matka Joanna od Aniolów
1961 / 110m - Poland
Mother Joan of the Angels poster

Don't let any genre indications fool you, this is not a horror film. I was prepared (country of origin, release date, plus the poster gave it away) when I started watching, so no real disappointment there, but unless you only care about plot points it's hard to defend calling this a horror film.

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Ultrastark camera work, empty frames (the decor is literally walls), and an absent soundtrack turn this into a very minimalist experience. The story nor the characters appealed to me, the styling was grim and unpleasant and the runtime excessive. Dreyer meets Bresson, with a tinge of Bergman and Tarkovsky. Take the worst aspect of these four, mix them together and you get Mother Joan of the Angels.