Intruders is a very stylish affair. The film takes its time to explore its setting, slowly working up to an impressive finale.

A disappointing rewatch. 28 Weeks Later is a decent enough horror film, but this time I completely failed to recognize what made this film a personal favorite of mine. There's one pretty cool scene (with the helicopter), the rest is proper but basic (fast) zombie fare. A downgrade from the original. It takes a while before the outbreak rekindles, some flashbacks make sure the first half sports the necessary horror moments. The cinematography is a little messy though, and the film wasn't as tense as I remembered it to be. It's still fun to see a young Imogen Poots and Jeremy Renner (completely forgot about them), but it's simply not as exciting anymore.Read all

The titular damsel isn't in distress, instead, she's there to save the day. It's a classic fantasy/fairy tale setup with reversed gender roles. That's fine and all, but this is little more than Brown fighting off a rather dull dragon for more than 90 minutes. The film felt pretty lazy as if the setup would carry it all the way through. Brown isn't bad, but the CG is bland and the sets are uninspired. For a fantasy/adventure, that's inexcusable. The rest of the cast isn't great, the dragon is unimpressive and the finale is cheesy. The action scenes are decent though and the pacing is pleasant enough, but I needed more to feel truly invested.Read all