Halo Legends

A pretty typical fantasy anime. It probably bit off a bit more than it could chew, trying to establish an entire fantasy realm with very specific lore in less than 60 minutes, but in a way that also adds to this film's charm. It offers a glimpse in a realm far greater, it just lacks the franchise that would ultimately reveal its lack of inspiration. The animation is pretty basic and the characters are rather stereotypical (though they're still an odd bunch). The fantasy setting isn't all that unique either, but there are enough details to keep things interesting, and the short runtime makes sur it never slows down too much or gets downright boring. Solid anime fantasy filler. Read all

A wacky 80s sci-fi anime. I knew the Dirty Pair franchise by name, but never got around to seeing anything from it. I've always thought it was some kind of Noir-like cop show, so imagine my surprise when I ran into a pretty outrageous sci-fi flick. You won't hear me complain though, this was a lot better than I expected. I say sci-fi, but the film comes with a strong injection of action and comedy elements. That's nothing too out of the ordinary, neither is the extreme 80s cheesy that oozes from its every frame. It's an amusing mix that keeps things light, while also allowing for the needed creativity and weirdness. The animation is pretty decent, but it's the design that stand out the most. Some very neat monster concepts, cool sci-fi designs and a flashy art style make this film pretty appealing, even when the 80s look isn't entirely my thing. Sadly the soundtrack was a bit much, the attempts at US pop music were incredibly bland and unflattering. Apart from that, this was plenty fun.Read all