Rather dull, lifeless and predictable romance that is needlessly dragged out. The entire setup is completely uneventful and a poor excuse for the romance between Huisman and Lily. Sadly it only ever fizzles. Wasn't a big fan of Newell to begin with, this film only adds injury to insult.
Dangerous Minds meets Little Women? I'm sure Newell's intentions were good when he decided to make this film, but the result is overly sentimental kitsch. It's a typical Julia Roberts film, and that is not a compliment. She's pretty much the female version of Tom Hanks, a near-guarantee for boring, dull Hollywood dreck. Roberts is her annoying self, the young women are just as insufferable and the presentation is utterly kitsch. It helps that the film doesn't take itself too seriously, at least not during the first half, which makes it somewhat bearable. Hard to recommend this though, unless you like saccharine cinema with obvious morality. Read all
Lifeless comedy that gets dragged down by its annoying leads. Not even Billy Bob Thornton can save this film from disaster. The direction is dim, the story is boring and the characters aren't fun, nor funny. A film best forgotten.