Tokyo Revelation
A short and sweet Shin Megami Tensei story. While part of a much broader franchise, Tokyo Revelation is a film that stands well on its own and can be watched without any prior familiarity with the series of games and anime. As long as you feel at ease with some of its most prominent tropes, it's a film that won't hold too many surprises. The animation isn't all that great, but the art style is pretty detailed and the monster designs are cool enough. The pacing is slick, though that's a given considering the short runtime and the familiarity of the story. It's certainly not the greatest or most remarkable anime out there, but if you love yourself some demon action, it's pleasant filler.Read all
A decent but somewhat standard action/sci-fi OAV. The first half leans more into its crime/noir elements, but the film gradually becomes more action-oriented and the finale offers some pretty bad-ass mecha mayhem. With just 50 minutes on the counter though, there's not a lot of time to do justice to it all. The animation is a little limited, but the 80s anime style does have its charm. The start is hesitant and the political overtones fell flat for me, once the action kicks in things start looking up and I did really enjoy the finale. Not a stand-out OAV, but there's some solid fun to be had if you like this kind of thing.Read all