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Pink Floyd London '66-'67

1967 / 30m - UK
Documentary, Music
Pink Floyd London '66-'67 poster

Music documentaries are always tricky, especially the ones that do little more than try to capture the atmosphere of a performance or a band. You could argue whether this film's a bona fide documentary, or just a promo film for a concert/tour, but since some people consider it the former I just went ahead and watched it anyway.

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London '66-'67 is a film that will appeal to Pink Floyd fans, and maybe some historians with a soft spot for the 60s, but I guess that's about it. I'm neither, nor am I very interested in the music or social scenes of the 60s. To me, this was little more than a poor music video for a band that I really don't care for.

Most of the footage is either the band performing or the audience partying. There are some experimental filters to create a somewhat psychedelic vibe, but it's not very effective. There's very little synergy between the visuals and the music, and it's just 30 minutes of the same thing. Not for me.