Urusei Yatsura 5: The Final Chapter

One of the better films in the franchise. It's nonsensical, silly and random, but that's exactly when Urusei Yatsura is at its best. The animation is decent, the tone is light-hearted (regardless of the impending apocalypse) and there are some memorable scenes. Nothing exceptional, but pretty fun nonetheless.

An infamous franchise, though I never quite understood its appeal. It seems to be sharing quite some traits with Fist of the North Star, only that one is better in just about every aspect. Riki-oh feels more like a cheap knock-off, but if it's strong violence and burly men you're after, then this is a decent film that won't disappoint. The art style is pretty crude (though some of that crude bulkiness is definitely intended) and the quality of the animation is poor. The plot and setting aren't too exciting either, and for a series that is known for its over-the-top violence, it's really quite tame. Still, this film is short and properly paced, with some decent action scenes. I just don't see how it got its reputation.Read all