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Alive and kicking


Tetsujin 28

Tetsujin Niju-Hachigo
2005 / 119m - Japan
Sci-fi, Action
Tetsujin 28 poster

Based on an old manga. That probably gave the maker the idea that they could get away with some ultracheap CG (that retro feel, you know). Well, they were wrong. Tetsujin 28 is a decent enough Kaiju flick, but the monster/mecha battles are absolutely ridiculous for a film made in 2007. And that's the core of the film.

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Some decent acting talent and a classic Kaiju structure could've made this into an amusing sci-fi romp, but the CG really is unbelievably bad. The robots look dumb and the PS1-like action scenes are an affront. It's a shame, Japan can do a lot better than this, this is just lazy milking of a popular franchise.