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Love You Forever

2019 / 115m - China
Romance, Fantasy
Love You Forever poster

It seems that romance laced with a little fantasy is doing well in Asia nowadays. It's a genre that's been on the rise for a while now and more and more countries are including it in their blockbuster line-ups. Love You Forever is China's latest entry in the genre, a capable but slightly saccharine attempt.

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Qui is an aspiring dancer, Lin a young boy madly in love with her. The two are best friends, but when fate destroys their future, an old watch grants Lin the power to travel back into time. There he can change Qui's fate, the downside is that Lin's presence is erased from the world, so Qui won't recognize him anymore.

It's not the most original setup, but the lead actors do an excellent job, the cinematography is on point and the pacing is solid. The soundtrack's a bit overdone and it does get a little too cheesy in place, but overall it's a pretty successful film that doesn't quite match the best films in the genre, but isn't lagging that far behind either.