
A slightly disappointing second watch. The strange blend of crime, torture porn and fairy tale still feels fresh and original, but there's some serious visual decay and knowing what is to come does take away some of the initial appeal. It's definitely not a bad film, but I just wasn't as impressed the second time around.

I'm not quite sure why I lost track of Ozon's work, but he used to be a director who I kept a close eye on two decades ago. Maybe because his dramas started to feel a bit too pedestrian, even though the base quality is definitely still present, as that is exactly how I'd describe Summer of 85. The performances are solid but nothing special, the drama is a little predictable, and the styling isn't very memorable. It's an okay drama, that passes the time quite easily, but there's not much here that made a real or lasting impression on me. That said, I should probably catch up with Ozon's remaining films.Read all