
Quite a bit better than I expected it to be, then again my expectations were pretty low to begin with. I'm not a fan of westerns, I don't care much for Hanks and Greengrass is hardly my favorite director. But somehow the sum here is more than its parts, possibly thanks to the inclusion of Zengel. There isn't much action and the level of machismo is really low, which are definite pluses. It plays more like a road trip through the Wild West, with Kidd and the girl slowly bonding. There's always a whiff of Hollywood kitsch present, and it's far from the most memorable film around, but it turned out to be decent enough filler.Read all

A pretty run-of-the-mill Greengrass film. Think Matt Damon in an urban war zone, without the visual bravura of Bay or Scott. It's not a bad film if you like this kind of thing, the pacing is decent and the action is exciting enough, but I couldn't escape the feeling that I've seen this done a lot better before. Expensive genre filler.

Greengrass giving his version of the Utøya massacre. If you want a more gripping, more compact and overall better film, then just watch Poppe's Utøya: July 22. If you prefer an elongated Hollywood version with more in-your-face sentiment, this Paul Greengrass version is the one you want to see. Greengrass' film focuses way more on the aftermath of the events and the trial that followed it. The massacre itself is pretty minor, instead, we get more personal drama. I can't say I was very impressed with this film, then again, that goes for most of Greengrass' oeuvre. It's topical, just not very good film making.Read all

A sequel that feels utterly pointless. It's as if the sole reason this reboot existed was to test the waters for people's interest in more Bourne. The actors are static, action scenes are dull (except the car chase in Vegas) and the plot is generic. For a film that no doubt cost a lot of money to make, it's subpar on almost every level.