
Revenge review

"the film looks great, sports a superb soundtrack and is well-cast. It's a pretty perfect debut that will hopefully establish Fargeat as a director to look out for in the coming years."

Dream Breaker

Dream Breaker review

"Han created a sprawling and aesthetically pleasing futuristic world with enough visual prowess to catapult you seamlessly through its 100 minute running time."

Timeless Love

Timeless Love review

"This is clearly not a film for everyone. Its style makes it quite light-hearted and frolicy , while the drama and romance are heavily accentuated."

Nuit Noire

Nuit Noire review

"It's a real shame that the dream sequences weren't handled in a different way. It would've been the final touch to an already strong film."

Stereo Future

Stereo Future review

"Stereo Future is a film that is starting to show its age in places, but Nakano's playful yet targeted direction makes sure it's not just an artifact of its time."


Tusk review

"His newfound independence is a true blessing, one he exploits to the fullest. I thoroughly enjoyed Smith's new film and I surely hope he can keep this up for a while longer."

The Animatrix

The Animatrix review

"Eight very distinct and unique shorts offer plenty of stand-out material, more than enough wow moments and plenty of variety to breeze through this anthology and leave you wanting more."


Daughters review

"Daughters breathes new life into a genre that's become pretty stale of late, by updating its stylistic vocabulary while making sure all its dramatic beats hit the mark."

As the Gods Will

As the Gods Will review

"As the Gods Will is a typical Miike flick in the sense that it's pretty much pointless to compare it to other films out there."


Arc review

"A stylish and polished blend of drama and sci-fi that has some interesting things to say, looks absolutely stunning, has a lovely score, and has a great cast to boot."

Last Sunrise

Last Sunrise review

"It never feels cramped or limited, it just feels like a more modest part of a bigger whole. Add some beautiful imagery, a great soundtrack and solid acting and you have an impressive sci-fi film."

The Shadow Play

The Shadow Play review

"Lou's execution is flawless, building on a solid cast and featuring an impressive synergy between cinematography and score to give the film a distinguished signature."


Veronica review

"At its very core, Veronica is a rather simple and mousy little headfuck. But the execution is smart, stylish and honed to perfection."


Sakuran review

"Sakuran is a cool film, if only because it gives you something worth looking at for its entire running time."

Thermae Romae

Thermae Romae review

"Terumae Romae is a film that survives on the comic whims of Hiroshi Abe and the excellent premise cooked up by Yamazaki."

The Continent

The Continent review

"The Continent isn't very original or earth-shattering. It's funnier than I would've guessed, but that's mainly because Chinese films rarely combine drama and comedy in a very balanced way."

Nina Wu

Nina Wu review

"An incredibly stylish, moody and enthralling film sporting lush cinematography, great sound design and a killer lead that keeps the audience on its toes until the very end."

Lost in Love

Lost in Love review

"Lost in Love is gentle and warm. A stunningly beautiful and impressively acted romantic drama, dealing with a very intimate and fragile theme that Huo meticulously dissects."

The Superdeep

The Superdeep review

"The thrill of the adventure is tangible, the grim settings are exceptional and the imaginative and excessively gross creature designs are spot on, this film delivers everything and more."


Crosscurrent review

"Once the film has you in its grip, the pay-off is grand. Lush visuals, captivating soundscapes and solid acting make for a brooding, dense and enveloping experience."

Batman Ninja

Batman Ninja review

"Batman Ninja features sprawling animation, an amazing art style and some wacky action, making it a blast from start to finish."

Kill Zone

Kill Zone review

"Kill Zone is a modern martial arts classic."

Love Speaks

Love Speaks review

"If you don't mind a little bit of coupling and you can look past the conventions you'll find a sweet, cute and endearing little film that charms its way past any remaining doubts."

Dream Home

Dream Home review

"Don't go in expecting a true slasher flick, expect a genre flick adapted by the mind of Ho-Cheung Pang."

Killing God

Killing God review

"Pintó and Casas crafted a very meticulous, funny and intriguing film that looks great, sports a superb soundtrack and is sure to keep you guessing until the very end."