Movie top list: 526 to 550

"The stylish cinematography, the moody score, and the devastating central performance all help to flesh out and strengthen a captivating drama about processing loss."
Pan's Labyrinth

"Pan's Labyrinth is a confident, creative and overall impressive film that illustrates how you can blend drama and fantasy."

"It's a unique film that thrives on mood, appears polished all the way through, and offers familiar themes in a novel and often surprising genre package."

"Once the film has you in its grip, the pay-off is grand. Lush visuals, captivating soundscapes and solid acting make for a brooding, dense and enveloping experience."
Godzilla: Final Wars

"It's decidedly cheesy, nonsensical and grotesque, but Kitamura's smart blend of vintage and modern makes it a grand spectacle that honors one of Japan's most iconic monsters in the best way possible."
Godzilla: The Planet Eater

"The film looks gorgeous, the story is smart and creative and even though there isn't that much actual action, it never gets dull."
A Chinese Fairy Tale

"If you think you can handle an update of A Chinese Ghost Story bathing in CG visuals, this one is definitely recommended, otherwise you best stay clear."

"Superb cinematography, sharp editing, a very moody score and some truly creative world building all help to keep the film fresh, attractive and most importantly, original."
Kung Fu Hustle

"The perfect showcase for Chow's trademark mix of silly, over-the-top comedy and deadpan execution. Genuine laughs and crazy martial arts scenes make this one of the most entertaining films around."

"Donju brings a special breed of humor, mixing dry deliveries, nonsensical dialogue and random interludes to a strange puddle of laughs."
A Tree of Palme

"The art style is lovely, the fantasy elements feel otherworldly and Palme's journey is grand, without ever feeling cheesy or expected, making this one of the better fantasy epics I've seen."
Dragon Tiger Gate

"Dragon Tiger Gate sports some sublime action sequences, superb cinematography and a central duo that has the show aspect of martial arts down to a tee, all in the name of juicy entertainment."
Beauty and the Beast

"Overall reception of Beauty and the Beast has been mixed. I went in expecting nothing and came out amazed at the beauty and wonder that hides underneath its fairytale covers."
Ninja Scroll

"It's delightfully and excessively violent, sporting superb creature designs, a bold and expressive art style and brisk pacing. Everything you'd ever want and need in a gory, macho action film."

"The story may be familiar territory for most, but the exquisite designs, the stylish cinematography, great score and excellent performances make this a film like no other."

"That said, Paprika is still an amazing film with plenty of memorable moments and a superb finale. If I sound a little negative that's only because his first two films are hard to surpass."

"Wai Man Yip succeeds in creating something that feels very fresh and unique, looks great and leaves something mysterious behind."
My Name Is Yours

"Even without the little narrative twist, this would've been a worthwhile film. The performances are strong, the cinematography is stylish and the pacing is perfect."
Miss Hokusai

"Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai is a much needed entry in the anime feature film segment. It isn't based off of a big, popular franchise."
Hotel Iris

"The cinematography and score are polished and stylish, the performances are top-notch and the themes are dark and challenging, resulting in a very fine drama that underlines Okuhara's talent."
Love in the Buff

"Love In The Buff is a very worthy sequel. It's hard to say which film is the better one of the two, for that I should probably watch them once more, back to back."
The Bastard and the Beautiful World

"The Bastard and the Beautiful World has everything I expect from a good anthology film. It is eclectic, creative, no weak links and each short comes with its own fun surprises."
Dirty Mind

"Van Hees really proved his worth with his second film. Dirty Mind is funny, bears a good and original story and is well directed on all fronts to help create a solid feel for the film."

"Cashback is a charming, inventive and dreamy coming-of-age romance with several stand-out moments and memorable ideas."
Fortune Favors Lady Nikuko

"The art style is wonderful, the animation is lovely, the characters are pleasantly different, and Watanabe's bold dramatic choices pay off nicely in the end."