The Light Shines Only There

The Light Shines Only There review

"The result is a strong, remarkable drama with no weak points and a few stand-out scenes that linger long after the end credits have faded from the screen."

9 Souls

9 Souls review

"The presentation is slick, performances are grand, the themes are varied and properly explored and all these things complement each other. 9 Souls is great, nothing more, nothing less."

Monk Comes Down the Mountain

Monk Comes Down the Mountain review

"Monk Comes Down the Mountain is above all a very amusing film. Chen made a light-hearted, fun and playful little romp, which rises above itself thanks to its tremendous production value."

May We Chat

May We Chat review

"Not only is May We Chat a very welcome and needed addition to the Hong Kong filmography, it's also a great film regardless."

A Silent Voice

A Silent Voice review

"130 minutes is quite long for an anime feature, but Yamada need every minute of that to tell this story."

The Animatrix

The Animatrix review

"Eight very distinct and unique shorts offer plenty of stand-out material, more than enough wow moments and plenty of variety to breeze through this anthology and leave you wanting more."

Sound & Fury

Sound & Fury review

"Sound & Fury is a fine anthology, with some truly stand-out entries that are executed with the highest level of craft and creativity, but as a visual album there are still a few gaps to bridge."

Death by Death

Death by Death review

"The stylish black and white cinematography, the excellent performances, and the strong dedication to its candidly absurd moments make this a delightful comedy."

Ride or Die

Ride or Die review

"Superb performances, beautiful cinematography and complex characters turn a ballsy thriller into a gripping character drama, sporting one of the neatest endings I've seen in a while."

Guns Akimbo

Guns Akimbo review

"Guns Akimbo is extremely energetic, in your face and funny, packing a couple of neat surprises, a splendid central duo and enough action to fill at least two 90-minute films."

Patlabor: The Movie

Patlabor: The Movie review

"Solid animation, amazing designs, an intriguing premise, several memorable scenes and a fun set of characters make this a moody, intelligent and slick sci-fi thriller."

The Superdeep

The Superdeep review

"The thrill of the adventure is tangible, the grim settings are exceptional and the imaginative and excessively gross creature designs are spot on, this film delivers everything and more."

Love Speaks

Love Speaks review

"If you don't mind a little bit of coupling and you can look past the conventions you'll find a sweet, cute and endearing little film that charms its way past any remaining doubts."

Green Snake

Green Snake review

"Tsui Hark at his best, the film is lush in its visuals and score, is entertaining to the core and wastes no time on unnecessary things. Very likeable and extremely well-made."

As the Gods Will

As the Gods Will review

"As the Gods Will is a typical Miike flick in the sense that it's pretty much pointless to compare it to other films out there."

The Top Secret: Murder in Mind

The Top Secret: Murder in Mind review

"A damn slick, sexy and entertaining film, sporting great visuals, a strong soundtrack and a solid cast while being edgy and challenging enough to stand out from the crowd"

Dream Breaker

Dream Breaker review

"Han created a sprawling and aesthetically pleasing futuristic world with enough visual prowess to catapult you seamlessly through its 100 minute running time."

Witching and Bitching

Witching and Bitching review

"Witching and Bitching is a true visual orgasm, a film that looks amazing from the very first to the very last frame."

The Signal

The Signal review

"Eubank is clearly a talented director with a vision. He might not transcend the genre film segment to become a big blockbuster director, but that's probably just for the better."

The Spirit

The Spirit review

"Fans of more serious adaptations will probably feel betrayed by Miller's film. Fans of Batman felt the same way with Schumacher's second Batman masterpiece. I say blah to that."

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World review

"While the film drags a little in the middle the rest of it is pretty much perfect. It's fast-paced, funny, weird, extravagant and doesn't seem worried by any boundaries or possible audiences."


Tusk review

"His newfound independence is a true blessing, one he exploits to the fullest. I thoroughly enjoyed Smith's new film and I surely hope he can keep this up for a while longer."

From the End of the World

From the End of the World review

"A superb urban fantasy, sporting stylish cinematography, nice lore, and some solid performances, but it's more toned down compared to Kiriya's previous efforts."


Yurigokoro review

"People all over the world tend to love a plot with some twist and turns, add to that the stylish presentation and some very memorable scenes, and you have a potential sleeper hit."

The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece review

"Foung-Hon Chiang produced a sweet, sunny and pleasant film."