Volcano High

Volcano High review

"The styling is zany and explicit, while the story is little more than an excuse for some great action scenes. And that's exactly what a film like this should be about."

25th Hour

25th Hour review

"When I first watched 25th Hour the film left a bigger impression on me. Maybe it's because I hadn't seen that many films back then, maybe it's because time has blunted some of its initial impact."


Village review

"The intricate styling, the mix of classic folklore with contemporary culture, and the slick thriller elements make this a pretty accessible film while keeping that Japanese feel intact."

The City of Lost Souls

The City of Lost Souls review

"It doesn't ruin a film like The City of Lost Souls, but it does take away part of the appeal. There's still plenty of fun to be had with this film though."

Smokin' Aces

Smokin' Aces review

"Take a bunch of wonky hitmen, add the necessary explosive firepower, pepper it with an over-the-top approach, and you have a film that still stand proud today."


Ghostland review

"A horror film pur sang, lacking forced attempts to mix in other genres. It's raw, brutal and disturbing, but always with a twist and executed to perfection."


Saw review

"The traps are creative, the rundown look is very effective and Bell's portrayal of the killer is nothing less than iconic, but it's unclear how long these elements will keep the film afloat."

Snakes and Earrings

Snakes and Earrings review

"It's a beautiful film, sometimes alienating, sometimes weird and impenetrable, but always humane and warm, embracing its characters rather than discarding them as outcasts."

Wild 7

Wild 7 review

"If you don't mind a mindless (stylized) action flick once in a while you could do much worse, the action scenes are pretty kick-ass and the styling is slick and sexy."

Milocrorze: A Love Story

Milocrorze: A Love Story review

"Milocrorze may not be as polished or technically proficient as Survive Style 5+, Ishibashi's film is way more ambitious than any of its peers."

The Boxtrolls

The Boxtrolls review

"On a technical level The Boxtrolls is an absolute masterpiece. The whole film looks lavish from start to finish."

Modest Heroes

Modest Heroes review

"Quality across the board with touches of originality sprinkled left and right, in order to keep things interesting. It's a pleasant, easy and slightly challenging watch that leaves you wanting more."

Hard Days

Hard Days review

"This is straight-up genre fare, but it's elevated by a polished presentation, confident and self-aware performances, and a mean and malicious sense of humor."

The Wonderful World of Captain Kuhio

The Wonderful World of Captain Kuhio review

"While a tad long, Kuhio Taisa is a great film that has little or no trouble keeping your attention. Sakai does a great job portraying Kuhio as a weird, devious but ultimately likable character."


Grotesque review

"Grotesque is for all those people who need a lesson in what torture porn flicks really are."

The Machine Girl

The Machine Girl review

"If you like Japanese weirdness, gore and crazy black comedy coolness you'll like The Machine Girl."

The Tall Man

The Tall Man review

"The Tall Man holds his punches until the very end, where it finally reveals itself as a film that cares very little about the Tall Man legend, instead focusing on more pressing and serious issues."

Summer Wars

Summer Wars review

"From the actual animation to the behavior of the little kids, running around with their DSes, Summer Wars will come off as surprisingly recognizable"

Town Creek

Town Creek review

"A short, fun and visually accomplished ride through Schumacher's world of Nazis and horror. Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

Being John Malkovich

Being John Malkovich review

"High concept, highly original, and impossible to reproduce, and Jonze has a proper handle on his film at all times, even when things get pretty hectic and confusing."

LOUDER! Can't Hear What You're Singin', Wimp!

LOUDER! Can't Hear What You're Singin', Wimp! review

"This is another upbeat, hilarious and delightfully directed Miki comedy that easily entertains and has a string of memorable scenes that make it well worth the watch."

Swordsman II

Swordsman II review

"Swordsman II is a very typical film and definitely won't win any fans to the genre. It's pretty chaotic, all style and no substance and not the least bit interested in telling a coherent story."


Them review

"The duo went on to make the unfortunate US adaptation of The Eye and each went their own separate way after that. A real shame because as a duo they showed great promise directing horror films."

The Simpsons Movie

The Simpsons Movie review

"A film that doesn't deviate too much from the original show, but adds a bit of extra appeal that wouldn't have been possible if it had remained stuck on TV."

Island Etude

Island Etude review

"Island Etude is a nice little film bearing little to no weak points, but never really excelling either."