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Alive and kicking
ABCs of Death 2
by Rodney Ascher, Julian Barratt, Robert Boocheck, Alejandro Brugués, Kristina Buozyte, Alexandre Bustillo, Larry Fessenden, Julian Gilbey, Jim Hosking, Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen, E.L. Katz, Aharon Keshales, Steven Kostanski, Marvin Kren, Juan Martínez Moreno, Erik Matti, Wolfgang Matzl, Julien Maury, Robert Morgan, Chris Nash, Vincenzo Natali, Hajime Ohata, Navot Papushado, Bill Plympton, Dennison Ramalho, Todd Rohal, Jerome Sable, Bruno Samper, Jen Soska, Sylvia Soska, Soichi Umezawa
2014 / 125m - USA
Comedy, Horror

The premise is interesting enough, and there clearly was enough money to get some A-listers on board (Weaving is one of the horror icons of this generation), but the execution felt lazy. Rapture or not, this was just people in the woods being haunted by rather lame-looking creatures. The fact that the cult swore to silence does eliminate a lot of useless dialogue and Weaving has some nice action moments, but the setting was dull, the kill felt uninspired and the balance between action and horror was off. It's decent entertainment on the road to Halloween, but they could've done a lot more. Read all