films seen
average score
Alive and kicking

The Soska Sisters take on Cronenberg's classic and actually manage to improve it. The effects are graphic and gruesome, the acting is solid and the film doesn't feel like a slavish remake. Some solid kills, a few impressively realized nightmares and a few nice body horror nods. This is how remakes should be done.
ABCs of Death 2
by Rodney Ascher, Julian Barratt, Robert Boocheck, Alejandro Brugués, Kristina Buozyte, Alexandre Bustillo, Larry Fessenden, Julian Gilbey, Jim Hosking, Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen, E.L. Katz, Aharon Keshales, Steven Kostanski, Marvin Kren, Juan Martínez Moreno, Erik Matti, Wolfgang Matzl, Julien Maury, Robert Morgan, Chris Nash, Vincenzo Natali, Hajime Ohata, Navot Papushado, Bill Plympton, Dennison Ramalho, Todd Rohal, Jerome Sable, Bruno Samper, Jen Soska, Sylvia Soska, Soichi Umezawa
2014 / 125m - USA
Comedy, Horror

Clearly the Soska sisters aren't cut out for prison thrillers, even though genre standards are quite low to begin with. The actors are horrible, the action is pretty tame and the drama is hilarious. At least it's short and the fights are brutal, but that's not enough to save this film. It's a good thing this was just a one-off for them.