Taipei Exchanges

Taipei Exchanges review

"It's a small, delicate, and subtle little film, a wholesome, warm blanket that feels fresher than most of its peers and excels in just about every way possible."


Frontier(s) review

"Together with the gore, there's enough freaky weirdness and downright perversion to keep most seasoned horror fans happy."

Do Over

Do Over review

"One thing is certain though. Cheng has style and he has a clear vision he wishes to share through his films. His addition to Taiwanese cinema (and cinema in general) is a very welcome one."

The Consequences of Love

The Consequences of Love review

"Le Conseguenze dell'Amora is the perfect film for people who aren't really too taken by the classic mafia films and are yearning for a more modern version of the Italian underground antics."

Glory to the Filmmaker

Glory to the Filmmaker review

"Glory to the Filmmaker is one big happy mess of filmmaking, referencing many other directors, resembling many more, but defying them all by making something totally unique and totally Kitano."

A New Life

A New Life review

"A New Life is not a film that is fun to watch. But it is an impressive film that succeeds as no other in putting down a vile, bleak and uneasy atmosphere."


Snatch. review

"Ritchie perfected his signature style in this film. Lots of visual trickery, a solid soundtrack, spiffy dialogues, a convoluted plot and a big cast full of colorful characters."


Gerry review

"It's best to leave all hope of a decent storyline behind when you want to watch this film. Gerry is all about the experience, ignoring the rest and foregoing all compromises."


Eraserhead review

"It's a dark, brooding, and weird film that still manages to out-gross some modern horror flicks, even when it feels weird describing Eraserhead as a straight-up horror film."

The Chinese Botanist's Daughters

The Chinese Botanist's Daughters review

"Sijie Dai made an impressive film."

Bangkok Dangerous

Bangkok Dangerous review

"Bangkok Dangerous is a film that's surviving the test of time surprisingly well."


Container review

"It's impossible to univocally recommend a film like this, but fans of experimental, dark and uncompromising cinema should really check this one out (if you haven't already)."

The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project review

"The build-up is strong, the scares are effective and while It may not be as fancy or orchestrated as some of the newer offspring, it actually uses that defect to its advantage."

Pistol Opera

Pistol Opera review

"Pistol Opera is not the easiest of films. You have to accept that the story is a mere hook for some cinematic fun while Suzuki takes a little run with his audience."

My Blueberry Nights

My Blueberry Nights review

"This film is 200% Kar Wai and comes unmistakably from his hands, annoying actors were turned into lovable characters and his film proved once again that movies are an audiovisual experience"

Strange Circus

Strange Circus review

"Strange Circus is a stellar film that still counts as one of Sono's absolute best efforts to date. The subject matter is rather risqué though and Sono's approach is far from subtle."


Juliets review

"In between the shorts are some nicely animated intermissions, properly introducing each film."

The Wayward Cloud

The Wayward Cloud review

"The acting is top-notch, the camera work is spot on and Tsai's sense of humor is both unique and funny. Add to that one of the most stupefying and epic endings and you get my favorite Tsai."


Fearless review

"If you're looking for a stellar martial arts flick though, Fearless is a safe bet."

The Great Yokai War

The Great Yokai War review

"The Great Yokai War was Miike's first venture into big budget cinema aimed at a younger audience."

First Time

First Time review

"First Time is a superb example of how to do romance right, without necessarily ending up in arthouse territory."

Garden of Words

Garden of Words review

"Garden of Words is everything you'd expect from a Shinkai film."

Meat Grinder

Meat Grinder review

"Meat Grinder's strength lies with the excellent mix of ingredients put into the film."

Ninja Kids!!!

Ninja Kids!!! review

"Ninja Kids!!! is the perfect example of demented Japanese kids entertainment that's weird enough to appeal to adults, at least those with some memories of their lost childhood."

Postmen in the Mountains

Postmen in the Mountains review

"Postmen in the Mountains is one of China's hidden gems, made by a director who sprinkles his films with soul and warmth. It's an easy recommend, if you can stand the slow pacing that is."