Movie toplist: 226 to 250
"Even though it never becomes as extreme or over-the-top as other films, there's a tangible darkness that leaves the kind of deep and strong impression most horror films can only dream of."
Only Yesterday
"There aren't any big dramatic swoops, nor any major events or surprising plot twists. The setup in simple, the setting is simple, but the execution is absolute perfection."
Design of Death
"The actors bring a disarming charm, the humor is actually funny and Guan delivers a worthwhile audiovisual experience, in a way that sets it apart from other Chinese films."
The Case of Hana & Alice
"Iwai found the right balance between Japanese live-action drama and the magic of animation. The film looks great, the story is moving, and the characters are quirky but lovable."
The Warrior and the Wolf
"Ignore (or embrace) the wayward storytelling and let yourself be swamped by the majestic and dark imagery, and you'll have no problem uncovering the heart of The Warrior and The Wolf."
"Jeunet delivers 120 minutes of fine-tuned awe and wonder, wrapped up in an extremely appealing package. Required viewing for everyone who is getting serious about cinema."
Leave in Summer
"Thanks to the direction of Igashi, the fine audiovisual presentation, and some strong performances by the two leads, Leave in Summer is a film that stands as one of the better Japanese dramas I've seen."
"If you're an action fan and you love a good roller-coaster ride that commits to the genre from start to finish, Carter is one of the most exhilarating films I could recommend."
Funuke, Show Some Love You Losers
"A visually attractive film, with strong performances and some goofy humor. But underneath lies a mean-spirited dramatic layer that leaves a pretty strong impression."
Valhalla Rising
"This film is a solid, well-made, and impressive trip that reaches back to our more primitive emotions, focusing a lot more on atmosphere and experience, rather than plot and characters."
"The first hour or so provides a solid setup, introducing all characters and factions related to the Yakuza gang, while the final 30 minutes are the icing on the cake."
Three Times
"The acting is very natural, Hou's camera is delicate and loving and the score is spot on. Three Times is a beautiful film, casting its view on the different aspects of love and romance."
A Snake of June
"A vintage Tsukamoto, with extrovert visuals, a superb soundtrack, and a strong focus on the human body, but underneath there's a layer of humanity that wasn't really present before."
14 Blades
"Donnie Yen is perfect in his role, the choreography is splendid and creative. Add some neat visuals and the result is a perfect update of the martial arts genre"
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
"While Ritchie would go on to make some nice variations on this blueprint, he would never again reach the level of tongue-in-cheek wittiness that makes this film so adorable."
Late Bloomer
"Late Bloomer presents a whole new way of applying cyberpunk aesthetics to a film subject, mixing it with a documentary take on one of the most interesting characters I've ever seen in a film."
Tokyo Fist
"An exceptional audiovisual experience, a worthwhile drama, and a lesson in how to properly film a boxing match. It's a pretty short film that packs quite a punch."
"Caro and Jeunet make an excellent team and while Jeunet has the skills to put out a great film by himself, Caro's magic touch is dearly missed in his later work."
"Gemini is a stylish, dark, and twisted mix of Rampo and Tsukamoto elements, complementing each other perfectly. It's a film that still stands proud and hasn't lost any of its appeal."
It's Only Talk
"Hiroki delivers one of the most natural, confident, and empathic dramas I've ever laid eyes on. On the outside it appears to be a simple film, but underneath lies a wealth of emotions."
Mad Detective
"His genre work is strong, comes with a very personal signature, it's seamlessly executed, and seems to lack any obvious weak points. Mad Detective is a definite recommendation."
Labyrinth of Dreams
"Even though it's not a typical Ishii film, there are enough stylistic remnants to please the fans while at the same time making sure it's not just a rehash of his earlier films."
Sky Crawlers
"Beautifully animated and scored, sporting a strong cast of characters, an intriguing plot and a fair selection of interesting themes, Sky Crawlers is Oshii's most complete film to date."
In The Mood For Love
"Doyle and Umebayashi do a great job, and Leung and Cheung are stellar, but they cannot hide the fact that Kar Wai grew even more skilled after completing this film."
Suffering of Ninko
"Suffering of Ninko is the kind of film that made me fall in love with Japanese cinema all these years ago. It's different, it's fun, it looks great, and it's overall very creative."