Movie top list: 376 to 400
Greener Grass

"DeBoer & Luebbe made a film that's delightfully unique, genuinely funny, completely perplexing and ultimately satisfying. A comedy that delivers from start to finish."
Blood of Rebirth

"I still need to see Hanging Garden and Unchain, that said I believe Blood of Rebirth belongs to Toyoda's best output to date and could be the start of something beautiful."

"Comet is quite the calling card for Esmail. It may be his first feature film, but it feels very polished and firmly directed."
The White Girl

"A delicate, soothing and exquisitely shot drama that lets its characters breathe, while still offering enough emotional depth and intrigue to make it more than a simple exercise in style."
The Tale of Princess Kaguya

"The Tale of Princess Kaguya is still a marvel to behold and definitely worth your time, but it's also a film that feels like a natural end to Takahata's career."
No Man's Land

"There's a whole lot of U Turn in here, a bit of Coens maybe, a dash of Western flavour and topped off with plenty of Chinese touches."
Wake Up and Die

"Instead the film leans heavily on the learning process, which goes well beyond the simple A/B testing you'd expect from a concept like this."
Blue Spring

"Blue Spring is well-balanced, featuring a great cast, intriguing characters and a director with not only a clear vision, but also the ability to execute that vision flawlessly."

"An exuberant mood piece that dares to be bewildering, that isn't afraid to challenge its audience and that marries operational excellence with vision and creativity."
Animal World

"If you're looking for something fun, dashing and creative, Animal World won't disappoint. It's a little mad, a little showy and often a bit incoherent, but in the end it's a hell of a ride."

"Daughters breathes new life into a genre that's become pretty stale of late, by updating its stylistic vocabulary while making sure all its dramatic beats hit the mark."

"If you like 120 minutes of stylish showdowns, explosive action scenes and over-the-top characters, Eiichiro Hasumi delivers one of the best films in ages."
Nuit Noire

"It's a real shame that the dream sequences weren't handled in a different way. It would've been the final touch to an already strong film."
Parasite in Love

"The mix of drama, romance, and genre feels fresh and unique, and each part is executed with the proper flair, skill, and gravity to make a mark of its own."
Flower of Shanidar

"The stylish presentation, the impressive score, and overall solid casting turn this medical fantasy thriller into a riveting experience, the kind only Gakuryu Ishii can deliver."
Kill Zone

"Kill Zone is a modern martial arts classic."
Ming Ming

"Ming Ming remains a fun, entertaining and dashing little film. The editing is slick, the visuals are stylized and Xun Zhou's performance is perfect."

"Kiriya serves a roller-coaster ride, but one that makes sure that the better moments can be relived late at night while lying in bed with your eyes closed."
Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl

"Shark Skin Man is starting to show its age a little. It's a bit dreary and murky for a comedy and more recent films have improved greatly on the formula."
Timeless Love

"This is clearly not a film for everyone. Its style makes it quite light-hearted and frolicy , while the drama and romance are heavily accentuated."

"Hadzihalilovic delivered what I consider to be an almost perfect second feature."

"Ulloa and his team crafted a beautiful, dark and haunting modern fairy tale that plows its way through the narrative without a single word spoken."
Boy Kills World

"The maximalist presentation, the vast array of quirky ideas and moments and the flashy action scenes all add up to make a vastly entertaining film."
The Neon Demon

"There's a lot to like here, the film never bores or gets stale, it's extremely stylized from start to finish, but two key sequences show a glimpse of what could have been."
Zinnia Flower

"Ultimately I still prefer Lin's more frivolous side, but that doesn't change the fact that Zinnia Flower is quite the impressive drama."