Island Etude

Island Etude review

"Island Etude is a nice little film bearing little to no weak points, but never really excelling either."

The World's End

The World's End review

"The World's End if by far my favorite entry in the trilogy (don't worry if you haven't seen the other two first by the way, they are only related by crew and a few running gags)."

White Vengeance

White Vengeance review

"A slice of tactical warfare that, at least to me, is a lot more challenging and interesting to follow. The climax is both exciting and emotional, the ending is smart and a small punch in the gut."

The French Dispatch

The French Dispatch review

"An arsenal of quirky characters, terrific cinematography, a meticulously detailed universe and an incredible ease that defies belief, considering the extreme density. This is vintage Anderson."


Sleepwalker review

"Like I said before, Sleepwalker is a pretty simple film. Everything is neatly revealed and tied up at the end, the plot doesn't contain any real big twists and runs smoothly from start to finish."


Parade review

"Parade is quite a lengthy film and the first hour you might be excused for wondering what all the fuzz is about."

The Assassins

The Assassins review

"The film looks beautiful, Chow Yun-Fat is superb and the strategic implications of the story are intriguing."

The Red Shoes

The Red Shoes review

"The ending is pretty cool (especially the short second ending), the film never bores, remains beautiful throughout and is just plain good at everything it tries and does."

Run for Love

Run for Love review

"There are no weak shorts, one exceptional piece and enough variation to breeze through its 140 minutes running time."

The Last Hero in China

The Last Hero in China review

"The action choreography is superb, Li is at the top of his game, the comedy is bonkers and there are at least a few scenes that will linger well beyond the credits."

Who Are You?

Who Are You? review

"Fans of Meat Grinder or likewise will probably love this film. It's lush, bursting with strong colors and lovely cinematography."

Dragon Hunters

Dragon Hunters review

"The film is visually pleasing (though not technically perfect), packs an enjoyable sense of humor, great creature and world design and doesn't give you the chance to become bored."

The Collector

The Collector review

"The pacing is fast, the tension strong and the concept fun enough to make it a lovely little genre film."


Intruders review

"Intruders is a very stylish affair. The film takes its time to explore its setting, slowly working up to an impressive finale."


Super review

"Super is an excellent addition to the nerdy superhero genre."

Blind Detective

Blind Detective review

"The package is stylish, quirky and fun at the same time. In the end I prefer To's more arthouse-oriented work, but a film like this is a welcome diversion, especially when executed so wonderfully."

[Rec] 2

[Rec] 2 review

"If you didn't like the first film, I can't see how you'll like this one. Stylistically the films are very much alike, though the directors made better use of the style this time around."


Sakura review

"Sakura may look like a harmless little timewaster from the outside, but it harnesses a darker core that rears its head after making sure everyone in the audience has lowered his guard."

Hole in the Sky

Hole in the Sky review

"Hole In The Sky is slow-paced cinema. There isn't much happening in terms of dramatic events, the characters are rigid and introvert and odd behavior is often taken for granted."

Blazing Famiglia

Blazing Famiglia review

"Blazing Famiglia looks appropriately gritty, it sports a fine soundtrack, some great performances and a cool plot with a proper dramatic foundation."

The Moss

The Moss review

"The Moss is not a wildly original film, but executed so well that it impresses from the very first seconds right until the final credit fades from the screen."

The Falls

The Falls review

"An incredibly capable film that oozes quality. From the stylish cinematography and the accomplished score to the strong performances and intriguing plot, Chung delivers quality across the board."


Nina review

"The gritty cinematography and the eerie soundtrack are genre staples, but the Brazilian setting, the spirited performances, and the puzzling finale add that little bit of extra spice."

Nightmare Detective

Nightmare Detective review

"It's still a great film though. Even a slightly watered down Tsukamoto film is way better than most of the J-Horror films released in the past 15 years."

Peony Pavilion

Peony Pavilion review

"If you want a love story set in early 20th-century China that subverts traditional gender roles, complemented by impeccable styling and stand-out performances, this should be your go-to film."