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Alive and kicking


Lovers: A True Story

1991 / 103m - Spain
Lovers: A True Story poster

A Spanish love triangle which has a few sweet moments (also a couple of steamy ones), but doesn't offer anything too interesting. I didn't care too much for the setting (1950s Madrid) and the presentation was also a little lackluster, but solid performances save the film from worse.

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When a young man returns from the army, he sets out to find a job. He wants to earn money so he can pay for his wedding with his fiancé. He rents a small room from a widow, and it doesn't take long before he falls for her charms. When his fiancé finds out, she does everything in her power to win him back.

The film is based on a true story, but the plot is so generic that I didn't fully understand why they bothered to disclose that info. The direction is decent, but nothing too out of the ordinary. It's a nice enough film, but it fails to stand out in any way and as such it didn't leave much of a lasting impression.