My film stats
General movie stats
Some sums and averages that give a very rough overview of my journey into cinephilia
Top 20 movies
Check out my full top list if you want to discover more hidden gems.
Vote counts
An overiew of all my votes per rating.
Rating average over time
The average is computed for every month (rewatches included), effectively showing how much of a grouch I've become throughout the years.
Films per week
Count of films per week.
Movie properties
Release years
Release decades
Release years (rating)
(with at least 10 films seen)
Decades (rating)
(with at least 10 films seen).
Countries by films seen
Countries by rating
Genres by films seen
The genres I've seen the most films of, compared to the genres I've favorited the most.
Genres by rating
General director stats
Directors are the primary people responsible for a film, an invaluable gateway to discover lesser known films.
Top directors (films seen)
This includes anthology credits, but no stand-alone short films (< 30 minutes)

Jing Wong

Takashi Miike

Cheh Chang

Herman Yau

Johnnie To

Hark Tsui

Koji Wakamatsu

Wai-Keung Lau

Ryuichi Hiroki

Sion Sono

Kiyoshi Kurosawa

Nobuhiko Ôbayashi

Yuen Chor

Yukihiko Tsutsumi

John Woo

Koji Shiraishi

Sammo Kam-Bo Hung

Steven Soderbergh

Jeffrey Lau

Steven Spielberg
Top directors (rating)
Based on directors I've seen 5 or more films of.

Mika Ninagawa

Fabrice Du Welz

Tetsuya Nakashima

Makoto Shinkai

Koji Morimoto

Takeshi Kitano

Hiroyuki Tanaka

Mamoru Hosoda

Mong-Hong Chung

Takeshi Koike

Satoshi Miki

Masaaki Yuasa

Hiroyuki Seshita

Shigeaki Kubo

Shinya Tsukamoto

Gaspar Noé

Mamoru Oshii

Hiroyuki Imaishi

Akiyuki Shinbo

Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Top directors (favorites)
Directors who have the most films in my list of personal favorites.

Takashi Miike

Sion Sono

Takeshi Kitano

Ryuichi Hiroki

Hiroyuki Tanaka

Shinya Tsukamoto

Johnnie To

Mamoru Oshii

Gakuryu Ishii

Oxide Pang Chun

Quentin Dupieux

Ki-duk Kim

Satoshi Miki

Hayao Miyazaki

Wilson Yip

Toshiaki Toyoda

Shunji Iwai

Makoto Shinkai

Ho-Cheung Pang