The main representative of the Hong Kong arthouse scene. Together with Doyle, Wong brought Hong Kong cinema to the festivals. Lush, brooding and simmering romances combined with stylistic mastery makes his oeuvre a must.

2046 features some of the most impressively visuals I've ever witnessed in any film, helped by a wonderfully unique soundtrack, strong acting, rich poetry and lovable characters

There is plenty of wonder, tension and intrigue that kept me occupied whenever I found time to pry my eyes and ears away from the drop dead gorgeous presentation.

Doyle and Umebayashi do a great job, and Leung and Cheung are stellar, but they cannot hide the fact that Kar Wai grew even more skilled after completing this film.

This film is 200% Kar Wai and comes unmistakably from his hands, annoying actors were turned into lovable characters and his film proved once again that movies are an audiovisual experience

Kar-Wai and the Cheungs. For me, this is the film that put Kar-Wai on the map. YbIt's a prelude to the quality he'd put on display with films like In the Mood for Love and 2046. A dense and hermetic, ultra-stylized take on romance that isn't exactly idyllic, but still fits the general romance template. The performances and cast are strong, the cinematography is elegant and the narrative structure is interesting. Not quite as refined as his best work, but if you love Kar-Wai Wong's vibe then this is an easy recommend.

Chacun Son Cinéma