Custom favorites (488 films)


Avalon review

"It's the ultimate live action film, made by a seasoned animator, a director who fully understands and exploits the power and appeal of an all-enveloping atmosphere."

Enter the Void

Enter the Void review

"Whether you will fully appreciate Noé's film depends on your stamina and your ability to handle his extremely direct approach, but just on a cinematic level alone there is so much to enjoy here."

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence review

"Innocence is a cinematic celebration. It's an audiovisual delight, it's thematically sound and rich and it invites you to watch and enjoy it time and time again."


Dolls review

"Dolls is a tragedy wrapped up in a very stylish and atmospheric cocoon, allowing the audience to be swamped by its sadness, but without ever letting go off the beauty that surrounds it."

Dead Leaves

Dead Leaves review

"Fans of animation and high adrenaline cinema owe it to themselves to check this one out, as long as you embrace its juvenile pleasures, Dead Leaves serves pure and unadulterated bliss."


Tokyo.sora review

"As far as realistic drama goes, this is as close to perfection as I've seen. If you're into Japanese dramas and you haven't seen this yet, there is no better film I could recommend."


Umfeld review

"There's simply nothing out there that matches the experience of submerging yourself in 56 minutes of moody, ambient glitches tailored to wildly morphing abstract visuals."


Reconstruction review

"Reconstruction is a warm, fuzzy and romantic film, set in a world of cold bewilderment and intrigue, scoring high marks in just about every department that matters"

Genius Party Beyond

Genius Party Beyond review

"Studio 4°C establishes and confirms its title of best and most interesting animation house out there and dishes out a set of short films that challenge the medium in all sorts of ways."


Symbol review

"Symbol is a rare type of film. Extremely creative, laugh out loud funny, artistic yet easy digestible and leaving you behind with a slightly bedazzled but contented feeling. It's an experience."

Eden Log

Eden Log review

"Eden Log is genre film heaven, featuring a superb audio track, insanely pretty visuals and a good, mysterious outline that keeps the tension going. Genre filmmaking at its best and most intense."


Ritual review

"One of the most unique dramas I've ever seen, keeping me interested from start to finish without even a hint of boredom on the horizon. Make sure you don't miss out on this one."

Mirrored Mind

Mirrored Mind review

"A perfect score and absolutely stunning visuals transport you to a different world, only to let go of you 60 minutes later, comforted and touched by the film's protagonist's struggle."

Survive Style 5+

Survive Style 5+ review

"Survive Style 5+ is an audiovisual blast, a film that gets better with each successive viewing and one that ranks as one of my favorite comedies ever. A true delight."


Su-ki-da review

"Su-ki-da is beautiful, heart-warming and extremely delicate. It's a film that puts you at ease and wraps itself around you. One of the dearest and most delicate love stories ever told."


Tekkonkinkreet review

"A film with a very authentic (Japanese) anime feel, yet it benefits greatly from Arias' outside influences. It's superbly animated, sports a terrific score and tells a truly intriguing story."


Redline review

"When looking for 100 minutes flat-out entertainment, tailored to be as goofy, crazy and mad as possible, and backed by an amazing technical accomplishment, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better film"

Blessing Bell

Blessing Bell review

"Tanaka's gentle and loving approach and Terajima's superb portrayal of his character take you along on an amazing trip, full of endearing, funny and warm moments."


Vital review

"This is a typical Japanese drama infused and enriched with plenty of Tsukamoto goodness. The result is haunting, morbid, poetic and beautiful all at once."


Irreversible review

"Look beyond Irreversible's most infamous scenes and you'll find a conceptually perfect film, an audiovisual tour de force that is sure to leave a strong emotional footprint on all those watching it."

Tsuburo no Gara

Tsuburo no Gara review

"Not as overly energetic or chaotic as its peers, rather it creates an eerie, claustrophobic atmosphere that drags you deeper into its concrete prison with each successive scene."

Rampo Noir

Rampo Noir review

"An amazing collection of shorts, brought to life by superb actors and featuring strong and diverse styles. A true sight to behold and without a doubt one of the best Japanese horror projects around."

Big Bang Love, Juvenile A

Big Bang Love, Juvenile A review

"If you want a more experimental and serious side of Miike, this film comes recommended. The film has its share of weird moments, but all the weirdness does seem to serve a higher, more artistic goal."

Mary and Max

Mary and Max review

"It's funny, endearing and dark at the same time, hitting a very rare balance. Add to that the mastery coming from every frame and you have a true gem that should appeal to a pretty large crowd"


Allegro review

"A strong, unique and captivating film that draws a few parallels to older classics, but stands well on its own. A true delight, sadly looked over by most people."


Vinyan review

"Vinyan will stay with you. It's an experience not easily forgotten, tailored to perfection by Du Welz and his team. It's brooding, intense and filled with individuality."

Visitor Q

Visitor Q review

"You do have to be open to Miike's disturbing sense of humor and forgiving for its technical flaws, but once that is covered Visitor Q is one of the most hilariously funny films out there."

Pop Skull

Pop Skull review

"Pop Skull is an intense experience that will take you to rather unpleasant places in a pretty bold yet straightforward manner, but when it hits you the effect is tremendous."


Rabbits review

"It's a simple, one-trick project that offers very little in the form of tangible content. On the other hand it's superbly captivating and extremely mysterious, unlike any other film I know."

Electric Dragon 80000V

Electric Dragon 80000V review

"If you don't mind the raging soundtrack, silly storyline, over-the-top performances and stark black and white visuals, this is a film you can watch over and over without ever getting bored with it."


Monday review

"The film consists of nothing but memorable scenes, contains some genuinely laugh out loud funny moments and slaps on a stylish finish to make the package complete"

Ex Drummer

Ex Drummer review

"Ex Drummer is a raunchy, mean-spirited and devilish son of bitch, at the same time it's also a very smart, funny and unique little film that deserves a loving cult following."

Beautiful Crazy

Beautiful Crazy review

"In a sense Beautiful Crazy still carries all the typical marks of the older Taiwanese dramas, but rearranged and remixed in such a way that it feels like a breath of fresh air."


Inside review

"A film that will please horror and gore fans alike. It starts of slow, but it doesn't take long before everything turns bad and it doesn't back down until the last drop of blood has been spilled."


2046 review

"2046 features some of the most impressively visuals I've ever witnessed in any film, helped by a wonderfully unique soundtrack, strong acting, rich poetry and lovable characters"

Woman of Water

Woman of Water review

"The mix of drama and mystery is brilliantly executed. The symbolism might lack subtlety, but Sugimori goes a long way in compensating that with strong imagery that will burn itself deep in your mind."


Calvaire review

"It's beautifully shot, consciously directed and perfectly acted, serving twisted hinterland horror with a dark and nasty comedy edge. And it's all executed to perfection."

0038 review

"This is a production in touch with the state of mind of young people today while keeping a surprising level of professionalism and finish not often found in their creations."

Millennium Actress

Millennium Actress review

"The animation is detailed, the direction solid and there's no filler. Add to that a sumptuous score and Kon's perfect sense of timing, and you have a beautiful film that will last you a lifetime."

5 Centimeters per Second

5 Centimeters per Second review

"The first time I watched this I was genuinely surprised by the bitter undertones, and even now it still baffles me how icy this film is below its stylish, warm and fuzzy exterior."

The Clone Returns Home

The Clone Returns Home review

"When you're in for a prime example of Japanese drama set to a sci-fi background you're in for a real big treat. It lingers, it surprises, it impresses, and it'll leave you in a daze."


Gozu review

"Don't expect a typical horror/mystery flick (despite many claims of Lynch-like scenes), Gozu is a superb comedy meant for people who like their slice of cinema a little crazy and different from the norm."


Martyrs review

"It's a bleak, depressing but all the more impressive look into the darker depths of the human condition, it will leave you cringing in your seat, and it will make you want to look away."

The Taste of Tea

The Taste of Tea review

"A lovingly executed ode to laziness, boredom and feeling at ease. The characters do little else but loitering, loving the fact that they have nothing else to do but to sit and enjoy the moment."


Gamer review

"If you're looking for a short, fun and action-filled film than Gamer is a prime choice. It's extremely visual, fast and without compromise. And above all, it's executed remarkably well."

Dead End Run

Dead End Run review

"A fun, varied and classy anthology film where Sogo Ishii allows himself to showcase his more experimental side while leaving room for some softer touches."

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea review

"It is great to see Miyazaki return to his former self after 15 years, Ponyo is certainly up there with the best of his work and is a good step up from Mononoke, Chihiro and Howl."

The Banquet

The Banquet review

"If you can stomach the classic tragedy, a world of unmatched cinematographic beauty opens itself and provides one of the most stunningly beautiful action films ever released."


Izo review

"I've seen Izo three times now and the film keeps impressing me, it's a superb mix of genre film making and arthouse cinema, an unlikely mix that we might never see again in this form."

Big Man Japan

Big Man Japan review

"A must-see this one, if only to marvel at the insane creations and wacky surreal scenes that come from an utterly silly premise given a fully straight-faced treatment."

Crank 2

Crank 2 review

"If you liked the first Crank film but thought it was just a little too tame, too restrained, not quite pushing things far enough, this sequel is sure to cater to your needs"


Sparrow review

"To's passion for the job shows in every single scene, choice and detail. Sparrow has a very particular and unique flow and knows to charm from start to finish."


Primer review

"I love Primer for its calm and mysterious atmosphere, its exploration of the wonders and dangers of a scientific breakthrough that can't really be explained."

Mind Game

Mind Game review

"Yuasa delivers a wildly original, splendidly executed and surprisingly emotional animation that defies categorization and comparison. Mind Game is a film that needs to be experienced."

Baober in Love

Baober in Love review

"Brace yourself for a sweet romance with a nasty sting and you'll be hard-pressed to think bad of this little gem that would turn out to be the start of a new Chinese cinematic movement."


Casshern review

"As time continues to mask the film's technological shortcomings, its aesthetic prowess only grows bigger. Casshern looks great, it's lots of fun, and it's fast-paced from start to finish."

Air Doll

Air Doll review

"A warm, lovingly crafted drama, with a spectacular central performance and fine cinematography, leaning quite heavily on its fantastical premise while using it to question more prominent issues."

Any Way the Wind Blows

Any Way the Wind Blows review

"A virtuoso film that breathes Antwerp, brings together a varied cast of loveable characters and subjects them to a selection of weird, awkward and funny situations."

Memories of Matsuko

Memories of Matsuko review

"The blend of an explicit and vibrant stylistic signature and upbeat musical numbers with a deeply tragic narrative is impossible to explain, it just has to be experienced first-hand."

Small Gods

Small Gods review

"A unique film that is stylistically strong enough to impose a feeling on the viewer without much impulses from the story itself, a gritty and uncomfortable mood piece if I ever saw one."

Party 7

Party 7 review

"The film looks good, sounds great, sports an incredible opening animation sequence, and boasts a list of superb actors. What more could you wish for in a Japanese comedy?"


Renaissance review

"A grand sci-fi flick that sets up an intriguing future and paints a pretty grim yet cohesive picture, offers a solid but tested plot and does all of that in a slim and slick 90 minutes."


Angel-A review

"From the outside it may appear a little stuffy (French, black and white photography, jazzy music), but underneath that layer of arthouse polish lies an entertaining, smart and refreshing little film."

Hellevator: The Bottled Fools

Hellevator: The Bottled Fools review

"What Yamaguchi lacks in budget he makes up in inventiveness and creativity. The result is a highly entertaining film that contains plenty of treats to keep you interested throughout."

Dog Bite Dog

Dog Bite Dog review

"Cheang flexes his directorial muscles, offering great visuals, an impressive soundtrack and an interesting story that differentiates plenty from standard Hong Kong fare."


Steamboy review

"Simple enough to not alienate Western audiences, superbly animated and spilling over with lush details. Every single frame is a work of art, ready for hanging on the wall."

Tokyo Gore Police

Tokyo Gore Police review

"Tokyo Gore Police is gory, fun, funny, weird and insane, but at the same time the realm in which it exists starts to grow on you, especially when the creatures become increasingly outrageous."


Exiled review

"It's rare to find genre cinema this refined, this detailed. There is not a single element out of tune, the styling is lush and delicate, the action is spot on and every single scene is memorable."

Trava: Fist Planet

Trava: Fist Planet review

"The combination of manic animation and dry, deadpan conversations is no doubt an acquired taste, still, there is plenty left to enjoy if you have a soft spot for animation."

Millennium Mambo

Millennium Mambo review

"Hou treats his subject with respect, just as he grants his characters the right amount of credibility. The result is a mesmerizing look into the life of a girl searching for her true identity."

Requiem for a Dream

Requiem for a Dream review

"Destined to leave a permanent mark on cinema history and forever a reference for all other Aronofsky films. If you can stomach the tragedy, it's a film you simply cannot skip."

The Amazing Lives of the Fast Food Grifters

The Amazing Lives of the Fast Food Grifters review

"The film is smart, quirky, looks and sounds great and is filled to the brim with bristling creativity. It is hilarious, even if you can't catch all the details on the first viewing."


Revolver review

"Revolver is slick, stylistically impressive and atmospherically cohesive. It's a small departure from his earlier films, but that's actually a welcome change of scenery."


Hells review

"One of the most uniquely satisfying anime ever released. A film that can only be compared with a very concise selection of otherwise incomparable animation projects."


Takeshis' review

"It's a feast of recognition, a wonderful comedy and a completely unique film that could've been made by only one man in this entire world. Takeshis' is Takeshi Kitano."


Bronson review

"People who like their films just a little different, a bit more daring, and served with a dash of freshness will do well to check this one out. Highly recommended."

The Wall-Passer

The Wall-Passer review

"A splendid experience. Add awesome visuals and some pretty weird but cool musical choices, and what you get is something that might leave you scratching your head, but in a good way."

Citizen Dog

Citizen Dog review

"If you want something light-hearted, fun, and visually exuberant, Citizen Dog is your film. It's a lovely little comedy with a lot of heart, warmth, and plenty of interesting and original ideas."

A Snake of June

A Snake of June review

"A vintage Tsukamoto, with extrovert visuals, a superb soundtrack, and a strong focus on the human body, but underneath there's a layer of humanity that wasn't really present before."


Versus review

"Kitamura put a lot of variation between the fight scenes, sprinkled the film with plenty of comedy interludes, and comes up with smart and clever details at regular intervals."

Hollywood Hong Kong

Hollywood Hong Kong review

"The film is visually impressive, boasts a distinctive and attractive soundtrack, features an interesting and cool story, and it is supported by a cast of strong actors."

Heaven's Door

Heaven's Door review

"Arias has a more modern sense of style and direction, giving the film its very own face, but there's just something very Kitano-esque about the couple reaching the beach in the final scene of the film."

Three Times

Three Times review

"The acting is very natural, Hou's camera is delicate and loving and the score is spot on. Three Times is a beautiful film, casting its view on the different aspects of love and romance."

Genius Party

Genius Party review

"Some people fault anthology films for their inconsistency, but I love to praise them for their creativity, as there is more of that here than in 7 full-length features combined."

Getting Wild with Our Monkey

Getting Wild with Our Monkey review

"A film filled with weirdness, humor and strange characters, sporting a great soundtrack and plenty of visual prowess. And somehow nobody seems interested in getting this film out to the West."


Glasses review

"It relishes the beauty of boredom and shows a glimpse of true bliss, even to people who wouldn't normally want to be caught dead in main character's situation."


Hero review

"With an all-star cast, a terrific cinematographer, a legendary director and some of the most spectacular fight scenes ever choreographed this film delivers."


Amelie review

"Jeunet delivers 120 minutes of fine-tuned awe and wonder, wrapped up in an extremely appealing package. Required viewing for everyone who is getting serious about cinema."

Mr. Nobody

Mr. Nobody review

"There is so much going on, both stylistically and story-wise, that it may be a bit much the first time around. Even so, the film leaves you with a feeling of having watched something very special."


Isabella review

"With Isabella, Ho-Cheung Pang combines strong drama with a superb sense of aesthetics. It's easily his most accomplished film to date where everything feels just right."


Diary review

"Diary is a skillful, beautiful and impressive little mindfuck thriller. With a very limited cast and one single location Oxide Pang still manages to go all-out and delivers his best film to date."

In The Mood For Love

In The Mood For Love review

"Doyle and Umebayashi do a great job, and Leung and Cheung are stellar, but they cannot hide the fact that Kar Wai grew even more skilled after completing this film."

Kamikaze Girls

Kamikaze Girls review

"A crazy, creative, vibrant film that keeps a pretty strict pace and only slows down a little toward the end of the film. But even then, there's a sprawling finale that pulls out all the stops."


Cloverfield review

"Reeves strikes a superb balance between fear, chaos, and mystery, revealing bits and pieces of information at the right time and showing just enough to tease without coming off as cheap or low-budget."

Punch-Drunk Love

Punch-Drunk Love review

"The camera work, the use of color, the crazy soundtrack, and the quirky characters all indicate that this is not a film made by a director for hire, but conforming to a clear vision."

Toy Reanimator

Toy Reanimator review

"It's a cute and interesting fantasy tale with a darker edge, sporting some lovely visuals and some solid performances, never outstaying its welcome and leaving a fresh impression."

Late Bloomer

Late Bloomer review

"Late Bloomer presents a whole new way of applying cyberpunk aesthetics to a film subject, mixing it with a documentary take on one of the most interesting characters I've ever seen in a film."

Last Life in the Universe

Last Life in the Universe review

"For a long time, you may wonder what the fuss is all about, but then the end credits start to roll and you suddenly realize what a truly wonderful film Ratanaruang delivered."

It's Only Talk

It's Only Talk review

"Hiroki delivers one of the most natural, confident, and empathic dramas I've ever laid eyes on. On the outside it appears to be a simple film, but underneath lies a wealth of emotions."

The Warrior and the Wolf

The Warrior and the Wolf review

"Ignore (or embrace) the wayward storytelling and let yourself be swamped by the majestic and dark imagery, and you'll have no problem uncovering the heart of The Warrior and The Wolf."

Paco and the Magical Picture Book

Paco and the Magical Picture Book review

"It's overly childish, way too fluffy for its own good, and it's over-the-top maximalist while being completely unapologetic about it, but in the end, it still works like a charm."

Spring Subway

Spring Subway review

"Zhang does a magnificent job at both romantic and dramatic angles and delivers a beautifully shot and scored film, revolving around a lovable but ill-fated couple."


Vidocq review

"While technology has long since caught up with Pitof's first, its strange and no-hold-barred visual approach still sets it apart on an aesthetic level."

Valhalla Rising

Valhalla Rising review

"This film is a solid, well-made, and impressive trip that reaches back to our more primitive emotions, focusing a lot more on atmosphere and experience, rather than plot and characters."

District 9

District 9 review

"It's a blockbuster, as a blockbuster should be. Near perfect use of CG, superb mech designs, great action scenes, some funny moments, and a premise interesting enough to kick-start the whole thing."

Funuke, Show Some Love You Losers

Funuke, Show Some Love You Losers review

"A visually attractive film, with strong performances and some goofy humor. But underneath lies a mean-spirited dramatic layer that leaves a pretty strong impression."

The Most Beautiful Night in the World

The Most Beautiful Night in the World review

"Tengan's Sekia is a little gem."

Mad Detective

Mad Detective review

"His genre work is strong, comes with a very personal signature, it's seamlessly executed, and seems to lack any obvious weak points. Mad Detective is a definite recommendation."

Chandmani Sum

Chandmani Sum review

"Hartsuiker succeeds in his mission, as he delivers a visually accomplished document with a superb soundtrack, transporting you to a world not quite like ours."


Shamo review

"Visually beautiful, with excellent use of sound, a charismatic and memorable lead, and an unconventionally ruthless story. Cheang is a real talent and proves himself again."


3-Iron review

"3-Iron is a silent journey, following two characters who don't talk to each other directly, but understand each other's feelings all too well. To be a witness to that feels like something special."

Glory to the Filmmaker

Glory to the Filmmaker review

"Glory to the Filmmaker is one big happy mess of filmmaking, referencing many other directors, resembling many more, but defying them all by making something totally unique and totally Kitano."

Death Trance

Death Trance review

"A film that should get a fair chance from all Versus fans out there. You might be put off by its eagerness to show off, but at the same time that's probably the film's biggest strength."


Strings review

"The puppetry skills are outstanding, the setting and lore are elaborate and due to its economic runtime, the ideas and creativity put into it never fail to amaze."

A New Life

A New Life review

"A New Life is not a film that is fun to watch. But it is an impressive film that succeeds as no other in putting down a vile, bleak and uneasy atmosphere."


Breath review

"A truly awesome film. Breath may not really my preferred kind of cinema and because of that Ki-duk's accomplishment is all the more impressive, for making me love this film and its characters."


Antichrist review

"Atmospheric, moody, technically impressive, and pretty mysterious. It's gory and contains a couple of harsh scenes, but never actually shocking (let alone added for simple shock value)."

Hana and Alice

Hana and Alice review

"All in all, it's a very sweet, very natural, and naive little film that has charm aplenty and feels particularly short for a film that runs well past the 120-minute barrier."


Elephant review

"Elephant is one of van Sant's most impressive legacies, a powerhouse film that is tailored to perfection and deserves to be seen and to be treasured."

Sodium Babies

Sodium Babies review

"The film is packed to the brim with great ideas and memorable scenes, it's a true testament to their talent, but at the same time it's also quite chaotic and a little bumpy."


Container review

"It's impossible to univocally recommend a film like this, but fans of experimental, dark and uncompromising cinema should really check this one out (if you haven't already)."

Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are review

"Flows to the waves of childlike wonder and pleasure. Jonze's execution is flawless, making it a marvelously surreal trip through Monsterland. Highly recommended."

Invisible Waves

Invisible Waves review

"Compared to LLitU just about everything is more polished. The visuals look tastier, the soundtrack is even more profoundly present and the acting is just about perfect."


[Rec] review

"[Rec] is an extreme thrill that aptly uses modern techniques to its best advantage, creating a truly creepy and tense atmosphere where so many films before it have failed."


Haze review

"Haze may be a little less refined and accomplished than some of his more famed films, but Tsukamoto did manage to regain that guerrilla charm that made his first films so irresistible."

Pistol Opera

Pistol Opera review

"Pistol Opera is not the easiest of films. You have to accept that the story is a mere hook for some cinematic fun while Suzuki takes a little run with his audience."

The Consequences of Love

The Consequences of Love review

"Le Conseguenze dell'Amora is the perfect film for people who aren't really too taken by the classic mafia films and are yearning for a more modern version of the Italian underground antics."

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer review

"Perfume still feels quite modern and contemporary because none of its audiovisual trickery was used gratuitously."

Sky Crawlers

Sky Crawlers review

"Beautifully animated and scored, sporting a strong cast of characters, an intriguing plot and a fair selection of interesting themes, Sky Crawlers is Oshii's most complete film to date."


Frontier(s) review

"Together with the gore, there's enough freaky weirdness and downright perversion to keep most seasoned horror fans happy."

Mulholland Dr.

Mulholland Dr. review

"Still a superb film with strong performances, a haunting score, and its fair share of memorable scenes, so if you haven't seen it yet it comes warmly recommended."

Tetsuo: The Bullet Man

Tetsuo: The Bullet Man review

"It bears the same charm and defects as the first Tetsuo and some very minor extra glitches, but the core is still there. An assault to the senses in pretty much every way possible."


Snatch. review

"Ritchie perfected his signature style in this film. Lots of visual trickery, a solid soundtrack, spiffy dialogues, a convoluted plot and a big cast full of colorful characters."

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Breathe In, Breathe Out review

"If you think it all sounds rather dull than that's perfectly understandable. The thing is, it really isn't. Breathe In, Breathe Out is a beautiful, pure, subtle and heart-warming drama."

Do Over

Do Over review

"One thing is certain though. Cheng has style and he has a clear vision he wishes to share through his films. His addition to Taiwanese cinema (and cinema in general) is a very welcome one."

About Love

About Love review

"If romance isn't your thing this anthology probably isn't going to persuade you, but within the genre this is definitely one of the better offerings out there."

The Wayward Cloud

The Wayward Cloud review

"The acting is top-notch, the camera work is spot on and Tsai's sense of humor is both unique and funny. Add to that one of the most stupefying and epic endings and you get my favorite Tsai."

Dead Daughters

Dead Daughters review

"Don't expect a typical horror film going into Dead Daughters, but expect to be impressed by Ruminov's skill to conjure up a tense and moody atmosphere out of thin air."


Dream review

"He's getting there, slowly but surely. Odagiri's presence was a smart move, and so was the strong and exceptional idea behind the film. One of Ki-duk's best, no doubt."

Oblivion Island

Oblivion Island review

"A core fantasy film that betrays Production I.G's struggles with full-CG animation, but makes up for that with excellent art direction and bucketloads of creativity."


19 review

"19 is rich in atmosphere, offers a novel take on the road movie and it left me wishing more films were like this. It's a little diamond in the rough and I'm pretty glad I'm able to cherish it."

Strange Circus

Strange Circus review

"Strange Circus is a stellar film that still counts as one of Sono's absolute best efforts to date. The subject matter is rather risqué though and Sono's approach is far from subtle."

The Place Promised in Our Early Days

The Place Promised in Our Early Days review

"Visually the film has hardly aged a bit, the convoluted plot still manages to intrigue, and while Shinkai combines some seemingly polar elements, the film never feels forced or disjointed."

Ten Nights of Dreams

Ten Nights of Dreams review

"A wonderful collection of shorts, visually pleasing, fun to watch and from time to time refreshingly weird."

My Blueberry Nights

My Blueberry Nights review

"This film is 200% Kar Wai and comes unmistakably from his hands, annoying actors were turned into lovable characters and his film proved once again that movies are an audiovisual experience"

Until the Lights Come Back

Until the Lights Come Back review

"Somehow Until the Lights Come Back never found its way into the mainstream, even though it's a pretty accessible film. It's sweet, upbeat, feel good, a tad long maybe but never slow or boring."

The Chinese Botanist's Daughters

The Chinese Botanist's Daughters review

"Sijie Dai made an impressive film."


Gerry review

"It's best to leave all hope of a decent storyline behind when you want to watch this film. Gerry is all about the experience, ignoring the rest and foregoing all compromises."


Micmacs review

"Think Amélie but with a darker, more adventurous and boyish edge. It's a good 100 minutes of fun in a recognizable but still outlandish version of Paris, hosted by a gang of endearing weirdos."

Achilles and the Tortoise

Achilles and the Tortoise review

"A must for Kitano fans and probably art fans alike (as all paintings were made by Kitano himself and are apparently based on existing paintings)."

Springtime in a Small Town

Springtime in a Small Town review

"Springtime in a Small Town is a stunning, subtle and elegant experience that serves as a perfect introduction to Tian's body of work."

The Bow

The Bow review

"The Bow is a pretty logical evolution in Ki-duk's career. It includes many of the themes and stylistic choices from his older films while still lacking the slicker execution of his newer ones."


Goth review

"Goth is a strong film, elegantly transporting its audience to the universe of two unique individuals finding each other in a world that isn't really their own."


Fearless review

"If you're looking for a stellar martial arts flick though, Fearless is a safe bet."

The Go Master

The Go Master review

"When it comes to capturing a person as a whole he did a splendid job. The Go Master is a rather slow and moody film, but there's beauty pouring from its seams."

The Protector

The Protector review

"As a martial arts fan, The Protector is the kind of movie I love watching. It puts every single baht in making its fight scenes bigger, crazier and more inventive."


Brother review

"Brother is not an American Kitano film, it's a Kitano film set in America. If you liked Sonatine, Hana-bi, and Boiling Point then you really can't go wrong with this one."


Metropia review

"Metropia is a film that will appeal to people who like a dystopian future coupled with a craving for unique animation."

The Great Yokai War

The Great Yokai War review

"The Great Yokai War was Miike's first venture into big budget cinema aimed at a younger audience."

Meat Grinder

Meat Grinder review

"Meat Grinder's strength lies with the excellent mix of ingredients put into the film."

This World of Ours

This World of Ours review

"Nakajima's first film is not for everybody. It combines the rawness of films like Pornostar and even Irréversible with the poetry and drama of films like Tokyo.Sora."

Raging Phoenix

Raging Phoenix review

"Raging Phoenix is another very solid entry in the Thai martial arts selection."

The Girl Who Leapt through Time

The Girl Who Leapt through Time review

" If you're in the mood for action or lots of plot twists, there's little here for you. But if you're up for a little variation on the Ghibli magic, this film might be a pretty good bet to make."


Fireball review

"The raw and unrelenting bouts are really spectacular and make this one of the best action flicks I've seen in a long time."

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire review

"Slumdog Millionaire works on all levels. While it starts off as a light drama it ends as a pure feel-good film and has no trouble making it work."


Sakuran review

"Sakuran is a cool film, if only because it gives you something worth looking at for its entire running time."


Love/Exposure review

"Don't let that hold you back though. Love Exposure is a great experience, offering lots of weirdness, fun and shock while never boring its audience."


Innocence review

"That said, Innocence is not a very easy film to recommend. It's quite stoic, mysterious and enigmatic, both plotwise and stylistically."


Sunshine review

"Sunshine is a superb example of how genre cinema can be elevated when the hand of an author is added to the mix, though ever so slightly."

Blood of Rebirth

Blood of Rebirth review

"I still need to see Hanging Garden and Unchain, that said I believe Blood of Rebirth belongs to Toyoda's best output to date and could be the start of something beautiful."

Blue Spring

Blue Spring review

"Blue Spring is well-balanced, featuring a great cast, intriguing characters and a director with not only a clear vision, but also the ability to execute that vision flawlessly."

Nuit Noire

Nuit Noire review

"It's a real shame that the dream sequences weren't handled in a different way. It would've been the final touch to an already strong film."

Kill Zone

Kill Zone review

"Kill Zone is a modern martial arts classic."

Ming Ming

Ming Ming review

"Ming Ming remains a fun, entertaining and dashing little film. The editing is slick, the visuals are stylized and Xun Zhou's performance is perfect."


Goemon review

"Kiriya serves a roller-coaster ride, but one that makes sure that the better moments can be relived late at night while lying in bed with your eyes closed."

9 Souls

9 Souls review

"The presentation is slick, performances are grand, the themes are varied and properly explored and all these things complement each other. 9 Souls is great, nothing more, nothing less."

The Animatrix

The Animatrix review

"Eight very distinct and unique shorts offer plenty of stand-out material, more than enough wow moments and plenty of variety to breeze through this anthology and leave you wanting more."

The Spirit

The Spirit review

"Fans of more serious adaptations will probably feel betrayed by Miller's film. Fans of Batman felt the same way with Schumacher's second Batman masterpiece. I say blah to that."


LoveDeath review

"LoveDeath brings a guaranteed 150 minutes of fun if you accept it for what it is. It's all fluff, all style, no substance and utterly weird, but that's what makes these films so much fun."

Stereo Future

Stereo Future review

"Stereo Future is a film that is starting to show its age in places, but Nakano's playful yet targeted direction makes sure it's not just an artifact of its time."


Tori review

"Tadanobu Asano shows he has a knack for combining cinematography and music to create warm, wholesome, and mysterious films, though they're not the most accessible ones."

I'm a Cyborg, but That's OK

I'm a Cyborg, but That's OK review

"Quirky characters, smart ideas and plenty of creativity make for a fun, surprising and fast-paced comedy with enough charm and heart to keep everything glued together."

The Happiness of The Katakuris

The Happiness of The Katakuris review

"A film that combines a myriad of crazy ideas and styles, blending black comedy, musical and claymation as if it was the most normal thing in the world. To Miike's credit, he makes it all work."


Domino review

"Domino is loud, bold and in your face, but it's also fun and entertaining while staying clear from Hollywood's usual pitfalls."


Crank review

"The audiovisual impact hasn't faded since, Statham was perfectly cast, there's no lack of surprises and the action is top notch, all in all Crank is an action fan's wet dream."

Wool 100%

Wool 100% review

"Wool 100% is a film that you just have to see. You might not like it, but at the least it's an experience worth having."

Loved Gun

Loved Gun review

"Loved Gun is a moody crime flick, built on an excellent cast and enriched with a layer of comedic touches, aptly hidden behind a veil of introspection and subdued stylistic choices."

Cat Soup

Cat Soup review

"The detailed animation and moody score are a big plus, but it's the surreal adventure, swift pacing, and unbridled creativity that make this film such a memorable experience."

Battle Royale

Battle Royale review

"Battle Royale is still an amazing experience. It's dynamic, in-your-face, strange and more than a little bewildering, but most of all it's a hell of a lot of fun."

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust review

"With a major quality jump in animation and art style detail, a tighter focus on atmosphere and setting and some memorable, stand-out demon fights, this is a must-see for action/horror anime fans."

Tony Takitani

Tony Takitani review

"Tony Takitani is one of the finest exercises in balancing style and content I've ever seen. Form, narrative and characters are really one here and feed off each other the entire time. "

Switchblade Romance

Switchblade Romance review

"Switchblade Romance is a very basic horror film, but executed to perfection. The presentation is flawless, the killer is grotesque and the finale is brutal."

House of Flying Daggers

House of Flying Daggers review

"Save some out of place effects, House of Flying Daggers hasn't lost much of its original appeal."

A Gentle Breeze in the Village

A Gentle Breeze in the Village review

"A film like this may not be the easiest sell as it lacks a strong dramatic undercurrent, but Yamashita compensates with lovely characters, a beautiful setting and tons of charm."


Cow review

"The remarkable trip of one farmer and his huge cow. My advice: just watch it and marvel at this unlikely piece of genre mash-ups."

The Storm Warriors

The Storm Warriors review

"The Storm Warriors is definitely not a masterpiece, but taking it at face value, it's an almost perfect piece of entertainment featuring some stunning art direction."

Love Me If You Dare

Love Me If You Dare review

"Love Me If You Dare looks good, the soundtrack's nice and the actors do a good job. Sadly it has become one of the forgotten films of 00's, a destiny it didn't really deserve."

The Neighbor No. 13

The Neighbor No. 13 review

"There are moments of sheer genius here, hidden away in a film that comes off just a little to modest for its own good."


PTU review

"PTU is first class film making. Lam en Yam are good actors and know how to play their parts. The soundtrack is solid and the film is visually impressive."


Ink review

"Ink shows enormous potential, executed well beyond what anyone could expect considering the limitations. A little gem that will one day find its audience and is destined to become a cult hit"

Batman: Gotham Knight

Batman: Gotham Knight review

"The animation is top-notch, the art styles are bold and out there, and with six separate stories to tell there's plenty of variation. Batman fares well in anime land."

Pan's Labyrinth

Pan's Labyrinth review

"Pan's Labyrinth is a confident, creative and overall impressive film that illustrates how you can blend drama and fantasy."

Godzilla: Final Wars

Godzilla: Final Wars review

"It's decidedly cheesy, nonsensical and grotesque, but Kitamura's smart blend of vintage and modern makes it a grand spectacle that honors one of Japan's most iconic monsters in the best way possible."


Re-cycle review

"Superb cinematography, sharp editing, a very moody score and some truly creative world building all help to keep the film fresh, attractive and most importantly, original."

Kung Fu Hustle

Kung Fu Hustle review

"The perfect showcase for Chow's trademark mix of silly, over-the-top comedy and deadpan execution. Genuine laughs and crazy martial arts scenes make this one of the most entertaining films around."


Dumbeast review

"Donju brings a special breed of humor, mixing dry deliveries, nonsensical dialogue and random interludes to a strange puddle of laughs."

A Tree of Palme

A Tree of Palme review

"The art style is lovely, the fantasy elements feel otherworldly and Palme's journey is grand, without ever feeling cheesy or expected, making this one of the better fantasy epics I've seen."

Dragon Tiger Gate

Dragon Tiger Gate review

"Dragon Tiger Gate sports some sublime action sequences, superb cinematography and a central duo that has the show aspect of martial arts down to a tee, all in the name of juicy entertainment."


Paprika review

"That said, Paprika is still an amazing film with plenty of memorable moments and a superb finale. If I sound a little negative that's only because his first two films are hard to surpass."


Fate review

"Wai Man Yip succeeds in creating something that feels very fresh and unique, looks great and leaves something mysterious behind."

Dirty Mind

Dirty Mind review

"Van Hees really proved his worth with his second film. Dirty Mind is funny, bears a good and original story and is well directed on all fronts to help create a solid feel for the film."


Cashback review

"Cashback is a charming, inventive and dreamy coming-of-age romance with several stand-out moments and memorable ideas."

Hard Candy

Hard Candy review

"Both leads offer great performances, the cinematography is strong, the soundtrack on point and the cat and mouse game between the two protagonists is simply riveting."

High Noon

High Noon review

"If you're interested to see a different side from Hong Kong cinema and if you can appreciate the adolescent styling of the film, be sure to check this one out."

Shaolin Soccer

Shaolin Soccer review

"It's a good thing Shoalin Soccer is this much fun, because beyond its successful comedy aspect it's clear the film is somewhat lacking."

Whispering of the Gods

Whispering of the Gods review

"If you appreciate Omori's uncompromising and bleak look at our society, Whispering of the Gods is one of the purest films you'll find out there."

Kamome Diner

Kamome Diner review

"It's a truly pleasant experience from start to finish, but the lack of dramatic events is sure to leave some scratching their heads."


Necromentia review

"Necromentia belongs to the best Barker adaptations not written by Barker himself. If you like Barker's visions of demons and netherworlds, there's a big chance you'll love Teo's Necromentia."

Jam Films 2

Jam Films 2 review

"As is always the case with anthology films the quality between the films varies strongly, but with no weak entries and two exceptional shorts Jam Films 2 is an interesting and worthwhile project."

Dead or Alive 2: Birds

Dead or Alive 2: Birds review

"Dead or Alive 2: Birds is an important step in Miike's progression as a director. It's a well-rounded film, one that works as a drama as well as a crime flick."

New Type: Just For Your Love

New Type: Just For Your Love review

"Hiroki made a pretty brave move here, incorporating new elements from other genres into his movies without changing anything of his trademark style."

Sick Nurses

Sick Nurses review

"Exuberant colors, a rather stylish ghost and bucket loads of devious fun make this worth your while, unless you desperately demand thrills and scares."


Exodus review

"You should like the arthouse aesthetics and you're required to pick up on the humor, if not this film is probably a serious drag. But if you do, it will be a worthwhile experience, guaranteed."

Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl

Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl review

"Vampire Girl Vs Frankenstein Girl is entertainment to the max. There is no time for dull moments or dramatic depth, just heaps of blood, gore and silliness."

Fantastic Mr Fox

Fantastic Mr Fox review

"If you like (stop-motion) animation this film is a definite recommendation. The animation itself could've been better, but the whole setting is just too much fun to pass on."

The American Astronaut

The American Astronaut review

"There are some technical hiccups and the film can feel a little disjointed in places, but that never hampers the unadulterated fun that lies at the core of The American Astronaut."

Man on Fire

Man on Fire review

"If you're looking for a traditional action flick or you're one of those people who loves to complain about the MTV aethetic of modern cinema, leave this film alone."

Blood: The Last Vampire

Blood: The Last Vampire review

"It's short, it packs quite a punch and even though I had some minor gripes, the pacing, the visual quality and the kick-ass lead character make it very easy to forget about these minor quirks."

Sukiyaki Western Django

Sukiyaki Western Django review

"This is a film for the typical Miike fan, he who appreciates the weirdness, the comical violence and the cinematic freedom you're unlikely to find anywhere else, especially in genre films."


Accident review

"Accident is a very good film. Not really excelling in anything particular, but strong and stylish in every department, forming a very solid and tight whole."

Ab-normal Beauty

Ab-normal Beauty review

"Oxide Pang's signature style is on full display here, with superb visuals, an atmospheric score and some dark and gauntly material that forms the basis for a unique and haunting horror film."

Crows Zero

Crows Zero review

"The film never slacks and even gives the viewer a nice look into the whole gang structure in between the fights, making it a little more than just another butt-kicking action flick. "

The Fountain

The Fountain review

"The Fountain is a unique experience, an amalgam of three different timelines that come together to create one dramatic romance. "

A Town Called Panic

A Town Called Panic review

"If you have a soft spot for claymation or you're just looking for a zany comedy, A Town Called Panic will not disappoint."

The Crab Cannery Ship

The Crab Cannery Ship review

"Kanikosen is a solid come-back for Tanaka. Visually impressive, boasting a superb setting and a strong cast."

Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation review

"If you think films like Terminator Salvation need a solid storyline and well-developed characters, you would do best to stay away from this film."

Halloween II

Halloween II review

"Halloween II might not be the purest of films, driven by the purest of choices, but the result is a smashingly good slasher flick."

Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachthani?

Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachthani? review

"For the slightly more adventurous film fan who doesn't mind a highbrow aesthetic and can handle some arthouse vibes, but also doesn't shun a bit of experimentation and genre influence."

Green Tea

Green Tea review

"The lush cinematography, the quirky and tantalizing soundtrack and the effective mystery, supported by some stellar performances, make for an intriguing and refreshing film that defies expectations. "

Throw Down

Throw Down review

"It's just a very fun and entertaining film with a good few memorable scenes. In the end it's not one of To's absolute bests, but definitely worth watching."

Lost Indulgence

Lost Indulgence review

"Some lovely visuals, a strong score and some neat little touches to lighten up the atmosphere from time to time and what you have is quality drama"

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring review

"The pleasant cinematography and extraordinary setting, the lovely score and the relatable themes make this one of Kim's most accessible films, perfect if you need an entry into his oeuvre."

Crime or Punishment?!?

Crime or Punishment?!? review

"Kera delivers a weird, confident and funny film that looks the part, sports some solid comedy acting and has plenty of scenes worthy of a healthy chuckle."

Black Kiss

Black Kiss review

"Tezuka's attention to wacky details makes all the difference, turning a moody and creepy thriller into a sprawling, surprising mystery that culminates into a memorable finale."

Sakigake!! Cromartie High

Sakigake!! Cromartie High review

"If you don't mind a bunch of 40-year old actors playing 16-year old high school student with greasy hair and no manners to speak of, you're probably fine."

Nightmare Detective 2

Nightmare Detective 2 review

"Nightmare Detective 2 might be his most commercial work to date, there is still plenty here to scare away the regular movie fan."

Nobody Knows

Nobody Knows review

"The overall quality is well above average, with peaks for the performances and the narrative drama, slowly working itself up to an emotional crescendo without ever getting sentimental."

One Point O

One Point O review

"One Point O looks very stylish, sports a strong score and benefits from a solid cast. It is pleasantly weird and strangely enticing, taking you on a disturbing trip with a fun finale."

Black Hawk Down

Black Hawk Down review

"Black Hawk Down is dense, chaotic and exhausting, fueled by strong camera work, slick editing and perfect pacing."


Drive review

"Stylistically it's clear this is a film from a bygone era, but Tanaka's superb sense of humor, several stand-out performances and a couple of very memorable scenes make Drive worth your while."

Perhaps Love

Perhaps Love review

"Chan managed to combine a great many things into one comprehensive package. Perhaps Love looks great, sound good and is backed by three superb performances."

Kai Doh Maru

Kai Doh Maru review

"Kai Doh Maru will not deliver a tight story or well-developed characters, but if you appreciate a unique art style, moody atmosphere and technical experimentation there's plenty to look forward to."

Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior

Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior review

"A superb central performance of Jaa, amazing fight and chase scenes and some of the most bone-crunching martial arts moves recorded on film. First-class action cinema."

The King of Jail Breakers

The King of Jail Breakers review

"Itsuji delivers a unique, quirky and mysterious little film that knows how to charm."


Vibrator review

"It's not an audiovisual wonder, and it may skip over some expectations of the road movie genre, but the characters are appealing and layered, while the performances are beyond stellar."

The Sun Also Rises

The Sun Also Rises review

"Strong on every level, juicy and playful, it's a neat little diamond in the rough. Recommended for adventurous film fans."

Café Lumière

Café Lumière review

"Café Lumière held up pretty well, which isn't even that surprising knowing its appeal lies in the mundane."

Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina

Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina review

"Aramaki serves a very capable genre flick, making great use of the Appleseed setting and going beyond technological excellence to create a stylish, extravagant action spectacle."

Tears of the Black Tiger

Tears of the Black Tiger review

"It's a mad blend of western and soap drama, wrapped in Thai goodness, rendered in the craziest color combos imaginable and sporting one of the cheesiest soundtracks I've ever heard."

Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers

Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers review

"It's a fun, quirky and silly film that slowly grows on you and leaves you behind with a warm smile."

Time and Tide

Time and Tide review

"Don't be mistaken, even though Time and Tide is somewhat atypical for a Hong Kong action film, it's still a pretty pure genre effort."

Hold Up Down

Hold Up Down review

"The comedy is spot on, the cinematography is solid, the film works up to a strong crescendo and there are some very memorable scenes scattered throughout."

Bodyguards and Assassins

Bodyguards and Assassins review

"Very much recommended if you've been enjoying the epic productions of the previous decade."


JCVD review

"Falling somewhere between the world of commercial and arthouse cinema, the film may have some trouble finding an appreciative audience, luckily there's been plenty of positive buzz."

In the Pool

In the Pool review

"There's plenty of variation comedy-wise, Miki keeps it visually interesting and Suzuki Matsuo is a true sight to behold. The result is a very pleasant film with plenty of rewatch value."


L'Amant review

"The subject is taboo and Hiroki's approach is unflinching, yet the result is a subtle, nuanced and touching drama that well exceeded any expectations I had up front."

Adrift in Tokyo

Adrift in Tokyo review

"Adrift In Tokyo is a rather lovely film. It knows how to blend comedy and drama into a perfect mix of blanket-like warmth, covering the viewer with a world he'd somehow like to inhabit."

Left Bank

Left Bank review

"The atmosphere is pleasantly bleak, dark and loaded, there's a little audiovisual bravoure, the actors are on point and the plot keeps you guessing."


Inugami review

"Inugami offers a unique trip through Japanese folklore, serving rural mysticism and respect for tradition with fine cinematography, a beautiful score and solid performances."

Howl's Moving Castle

Howl's Moving Castle review

"The animation is superb, the characters are charming, it's fun to explore the fantasy realm and the pacing is nigh perfect. Good, old-fashioned Ghibli quality in other words."


M review

"If you want another character drama, M might prove to be a too big a challenge and there are plenty of other Hiroki films you could and should be watching instead."

Election 2

Election 2 review

"It's a stylish, smart and balanced Triad film, sporting a great cast, a characteristic soundtrack, a couple of witty setups and a fulfilling finale."

The Isle

The Isle review

"While a little rough around the edges, there are many moments of raw beauty, contrasting cruelty and tenderness in a way only Ki-duk can, creating one of the most contorted romances ever put on film."

Freesia: Icy Tears

Freesia: Icy Tears review

"The atmospheric cinematography, the strong performances and the intriguing lore make this a fun yet challenging manga adaptation that captivates from start to finish."


Vengeance review

"A very solid film in all departments, allowing you to sink back into your couch and let the film drift over you like a warm, dark blanket."

The Message

The Message review

"The Message is visually stunning, smart, atmospheric and even a little tense near the end."

The Insects Unlisted in the Encyclopedia

The Insects Unlisted in the Encyclopedia review

"Miki has a very peculiar sense of humor. The jokes can be pretty absurd and out there, but the delivery is always deadpan."

District B13

District B13 review

"There's plenty of variation in the action scenes, the action choreography is splendid, the styling is bold and the pacing is slick. It's everything a modern action film should be."

My Darling of the Mountains

My Darling of the Mountains review

"Well acted, beautifully shot and neatly scored, this film is for those who enjoy the more poetic side of Katsuhito Ishii, but can handle this style in a light and undemanding context."

Life Show

Life Show review

"A pleasantly executed film featuring a strong lead and some good solid drama, splendid scenery and just breaths the couleur locale."


Mongol review

"Cinematography, score and acting all play their part in the portrayal of the rugged and uninviting setting that serves as a living and breathing backdrop for Temujin's rise to power."


2LDK review

"With two spirited actresses, a fun and progressively more over-the-top script, nifty dark comedy and a very economic runtime, 2LDK is a film that made me grin from start to finish."

Your Friends

Your Friends review

"It's not a wildly original film but it introduces enough elements to differentiate itself from other Japanese dramas while keeping the usual traits firmly in place."

A Very Long Engagement

A Very Long Engagement review

"A very stylish, lovingly crafted romance that carries Jeunet's signature, offers quality in every department and should appeal to a broad audience without feeling too generic or dumbed-down."

Jam Films S

Jam Films S review

"Japan's animation anthologies tend to bring together the best in the genre while their live-action counterparts are more concerned with finding new talent."

Samaritan Girl

Samaritan Girl review

"Samaritan Girl is the perfect combination of sweet and sour. A beautiful drama with some raw edges that thrives on a sublime score and killer central performances."

Layer Cake

Layer Cake review

"It looks stylish, boasts a fun soundtrack and delivers a quirky range of gangsters, ticking all the boxes that makes this niche great. A fine blend of crime and comedy, nothing more, nothing less."

The Living and the Dead

The Living and the Dead review

"Leo Bill's outstanding performance, the feverish middle part with its manic editing and sped-up soundtrack, and the barren, grim atmosphere all add up to the unique and dark experience"


Aragami review

"With the help of a perfect build-up, some solid performances, and polished cinematography, Kitamura delivers a fun and thrilling genre exercise that entertains from start to finish."

Nasu: Summer in Andalusia

Nasu: Summer in Andalusia review

"Nasu is a great seasonal film. Its summer vibe is tangible, it coincides with the Vuelta and it gives one of the best depictions of cycling ever caught on (fictional) film, let alone animation."

Exte: Hair Extensions

Exte: Hair Extensions review

"Exte: Hair Extensions might feel like his most commercial film to date, but that is mostly a disguise. It's a fun, crazy and surprisingly eerie film."

The Pavillion Salamandre

The Pavillion Salamandre review

"It's definitely a difficult film to recommend."

The Loafers

The Loafers review

"Miki has a unique, dead pan sense of humor that pushes the film forward. I can only hope he continues to make films in the same vein as his work doesn't really compare to anything else out there."

Dead or Alive: Final

Dead or Alive: Final review

"A fun and entertaining film with some solid action scenes, a funky soundtrack, fine cinematography and a bunch of vintage Miike moments you won't be able to find anywhere else."

Eternal Summer

Eternal Summer review

"After only two films Chen is well on his way to become a personal favorite. He has a keen eye and is quite versatile."

Little Fish, Strange Pond

Little Fish, Strange Pond review

"This American no-concessions comedy deserves a little more praise than it's been getting, so don't miss it when you get the chance."


Mutants review

"Those expecting lots of action, bucket loads of gore and continuous high tension will feel a little underwhelmed."

Crows Zero II

Crows Zero II review

"Crows Zero II will probably appeal to the people who liked the first film and can bear a second, almost identical, serving."

Umbrella Flower

Umbrella Flower review

"The stellar lead performance by Tadanobu Asano, the crisp styling, and the balance of delicate drama with some rougher edges turn this into a quality film.~"

Instant Swamp

Instant Swamp review

"He falls back to his regular weirdness and dry, absurd comedy. It all leads up to a rewarding ending, leaving you with a fuzzy feeling and a sense of chill bliss."

Winds of September

Winds of September review

"A very solid film with strong acting all around, some very strong shots and camera work and a pretty touching story about a group of kids growing up."


Keane review

"Thanks to Damien Lewis' stellar performance, a very visceral style of direction, and a sublime finale the film hits like a sledgehammer, which I can only applaud."

30 Days of Night

30 Days of Night review

"A film that thrives on its setting and the atmosphere Slade manages to draw from it. The creepy vampires, the polished cinematography and moody soundtrack only enhance the icy dread."


Sauna review

"Sauna is an impressive experience, solid in just about every department. Extremely strong lead, nice and fitting visuals, great soundtrack and intriguing storyline."

Bright Future

Bright Future review

"The characters are interesting, the performances are perfect, the narrative structure feels fresh and the presentation is stylish without being overly detracting."

Tales from Earthsea

Tales from Earthsea review

"A stylish and well-executed fantasy film, sporting Ghibli's polished animation, a lovely soundtrack, and a morally ambiguous lead character."

New Blood

New Blood review

"Hyn Huet Ching Nin is a good place to start if you're interested in watching a Hong Kong horror flick. Maybe it's not really all that representative, but that's what makes it easier to digest."

Orochi - Blood

Orochi - Blood review

"The addition of the fantastical figure gives Orochi a somewhat novel feel though."

Hard Luck Hero

Hard Luck Hero review

"The actors are solid, there are quirky narrative details, the cinematography is on point and the pacing is slick. All that is needed for some prime entertainment."

The Midnight Meat Train

The Midnight Meat Train review

"The kills are gory, Jones is an amazing killer and Kitamura's direction is the right kind of flashy, which makes for a brutal, tense and very entertaining horror flick."

River of First Love

River of First Love review

"That said, it's a film that caters to fans of light-hearted Japanese dramas, doing little to even try and persuade people outside of its niche."

Fulltime Killer

Fulltime Killer review

"A sprawling action/crime blend, bustling with cinematic joy and providing ample opportunities for To show off his unique talents. Stylish, fun and never a dull moment in sight."

Code 46

Code 46 review

"Code 46 serves a vivid vision of the future, a world that looks and feels plausible, even when reality should've caught up with it by now. A sign of clever, relevant sci-fi if there ever was one."

15: The Movie

15: The Movie review

"The vibrant cinematography and the poppy score set the mood for a mix of light-hearted fun and more deep-digging drama, perfectly carried out by the actors."

Pretty Persuasion

Pretty Persuasion review

"If you're looking for some snide high school comedy, with a memorable lead performance, some upscale visuals, and a challenging finale, give this little gem a shot."

Songs from the Second Floor

Songs from the Second Floor review

"If you care for absurdist tableaus, bleak, dry, and dark comedy, unpleasant characters, and a relentless unwillingness to push forward a clear narrative, this film will be right up your alley."

The Machinist

The Machinist review

"While many of its peers have trouble keeping themselves standing the second time around, The Machinist thrives on a strong and gloomy atmosphere, intriguing characters and a stand-out performance."

Girlfriend: Someone Please Stop the World

Girlfriend: Someone Please Stop the World review

"Girlfriend: Someone Please Stop The World is a solid, smart drama that serves as a good entry point to his oeuvre. The film showcases his talent and houses many of his trademark elements."

Bus Stop

Bus Stop review

"The stylish presentation, the refined pacing, and layered performances support a smart and well-balanced drama that isn't afraid to confront the audience with some challenging questions."

Suzhou River

Suzhou River review

"The moody and vibrant city shots, the stand-out performance of Xun Zhou and the mysterious romance all add up to a slightly grittier film set in the outskirts of a booming Shanghai."


Canary review

"Shiota proves himself a gifted drama director and balances cinematography, score and performances to draw the most out of the conflict between the two leads."


Antenna review

"The presentation is still pretty fitting and stylish, the performances are top notch and the somewhat edgier dramatic elements give the film a unique perspective."

Eagle vs. Shark

Eagle vs. Shark review

"There's loads of quirky comedy, the delivery is dry and disorienting, but the characters have soul and even though the film keeps throwing problems their way, it never gets too heavy-handed."

Eden Lake

Eden Lake review

"Eden Lake is a prime example of British harshness combined with good old-fashioned horror, increasing the insanity notch by notch and delivering a great finale."

The Black Box

The Black Box review

"The Black Box is a film for loving genre fans."

Seven Swords

Seven Swords review

"The lush visuals, great score and superb cast all add to this epic journey, which truly shines whenever people dig out their swords and start to hack, slash and twirl."

Afro Samurai: Resurrection

Afro Samurai: Resurrection review

"If you're up for some good solid fun and don't have too much trouble neglecting the grating dub and soundtrack, there is plenty of amusement to be had from this film."

WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3

WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3 review

"The animation is strong, the art style detailed, the soundtrack a real treat. And how often do you get to see mechs battle it out against a giant monster in a future-realistic setting?"

Zhou Yu's Train

Zhou Yu's Train review

"There's a basic quality that keeps Zhou Yu's Train on its feet, even though I've seen better and more creative variations from China in more recent years."

Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel review

"The film is well acted, looks extremely lush and flies by in no time. And while many parts seem influenced by other films, the mix is completely unique and fresh."

The Warlords

The Warlords review

"Warlords is an awesome film about three beardy men with balls taking their little army to conquer nations, but failing to keep in control over their own friendship."


Chocolate review

"The drama is flimsy, the music too melodramatic. Visually, it's a good watch, but the prime attraction are the battles, which don't disappoint at all."

Shoot 'em Up

Shoot 'em Up review

"It might not take itself too seriously, but it does value it's entertainment value, which is what makes films like these a treat to watch."


Satan review

"Satan is fiendishly amusing, darkly funny and pleasantly sadistic. Chapiron has the technical chops, makes the film his own and delivers a neat package that has kept its appeal throughout the years."

American Psycho

American Psycho review

"The performance of Bale is stellar, the pacing and characterization are on point and the dark comedy is razor sharp, though I'm certain it won't be for everybody."

Goodbye, Dragon Inn

Goodbye, Dragon Inn review

"Tsai allows you to slow down along with it, transporting you to a wet and distant place where you can enjoy the final day of a local cinema."

The Stranger from Afar

The Stranger from Afar review

"The Stranger from Afar is a peculiar film, strangely efficient in creating a dreadful and uncomfortable atmosphere, sporting a superb score and a terrific lead performance."

The Suicide Song

The Suicide Song review

"I was pleasantly surprised to find a very accomplished yet eclectic film hiding underneath the cover of ghosts and suicides."

The Detective

The Detective review

"Oxide Pang succeeds again in making a visual masterpiece, although less experimental and in your face as his other films."

Welcome to the Quiet Room

Welcome to the Quiet Room review

"Matsuo is growing as a director. Welcome To The Quiet Room is in improvement on his previous films in every respect."


Zatôichi review

"Kitano's version is playful and quirky, but also pretty badass and harsh when need be. The film looks great, sports a sublime soundtrack and Kitano himself shines as the titular character."


Nymph review

"Nymph is a good film by all means, it's just not all that commercial."

Yoshino's Barber Shop

Yoshino's Barber Shop review

"And while all of that might sound pretty serious and even heavy-handed, it's amazing how light and flirtatious Ogigami manages to keep her debut film."

House of Voices

House of Voices review

"It's extremely atmospheric, the build-up is impeccable, performances are great and the finale is exactly what I wanted from this film. A horror film that has the full package."

Scrap Heaven

Scrap Heaven review

"With a splendid cast, stylish cinematography, a cool score, and some interesting thematic strands he delivers a memorable and accomplished film."

Love on Sunday: Last Words

Love on Sunday: Last Words review

"For Western audiences the themes of Last Words may be quite sad and depressing, but Nagisa's acceptance of her nearing death paints a very different picture."

28 Days Later...

28 Days Later... review

"Because of the unique setting, the strong cast, a solid third act (the film was written by Alex Garland) and Boyle's unescapable talent for genre cinema, 28 Days Later still works today."


Triangle review

"Triangle looks stylish, sports a great soundtrack, leans on a superb central trio and highlights the talents of its lauded directors. A true flagship project if there ever was one."

Snowfall in Taipei

Snowfall in Taipei review

"The film looks great, the actors do a good job and even though the soundtrack is a little inconspicuous the atmosphere is warm and inviting."

Nasu: A Migratory Bird with Suitcase

Nasu: A Migratory Bird with Suitcase review

"An interest in the cycling sport comes in handy. You'll notice many familiar situations and even recognize some funny little parallels with the real world."


Adaptation. review

"Jonze's sober presentation puts Kaufman in the spotlight and looking at the stellar script he wrote that might have been a good call."

The District

The District review

"That said, there is still plenty to enjoy here."

One Take Only

One Take Only review

"In the end, Som and Bank is another very solid entry in the oeuvre of Oxide Pang and will have a hard time failing fans of the original Bangkok Dangerous."

Ip Man

Ip Man review

"Ip Man turned out to be an extremely solid entry in the ever growing list of Yip and Yen collaborations. If you liked Fearless, you will probably like this one too."


Three review

"Slick styling, a sizeable budget, and proper scares lie at the core of the film's appeal, with each director injecting a dose of local folklore to set the different shorts apart."

Cycling Chronicles: Landscapes the Boy Saw

Cycling Chronicles: Landscapes the Boy Saw review

"A film that slows you down for the course of its running time and leaves you with something to think about while looking at impressive imagery and striking you with an impressive soundtrack"

Spirited Away

Spirited Away review

"The animation is splendid, the setting is original, the characters are golden and the adventure really comes into its own during the second half. At its best, it's pure Ghibli magic."

Life Can Be So Wonderful

Life Can Be So Wonderful review

"I was happily surprised after watching Life Can Be So Wonderful. It's an upbeat, albeit slow and meandering, film that succeeds effortlessly in its goals."

Platonic Sex

Platonic Sex review

"This isn't a great film by a great director. It didn't kickstart Matsuura's career, nor did it kickstart Kagami's."

A Lake

A Lake review

"Grandrieux is an acquired taste."

The Great Ecstasy of Robert Carmichael

The Great Ecstasy of Robert Carmichael review

"Slightly elevated cinematography, a more contemporary soundtrack, an unflinching camera and very strong performances from the central cast turn this social drama into a rare success for me."


Gojoe review

"Gojoe is an energetic film, built on intriguing lore, sporting a stellar cast and delivering one of the most explosive finales in the genre. A true Ishii blockbuster film."

Gelatin Silver, Love

Gelatin Silver, Love review

"Kurigami makes a pretty good impression with his first film."

Running Scared

Running Scared review

"A high-energy, tense and brash action/crime flick that has a few neat surprises up its sleeve, but is mostly geared at offering the best genre experience possible."


Coraline review

"If you get the chance to see this in theaters, I advise you to do so. And if a DVD becomes available, it's probably good to pick the one with the most extensive making of feature available."

Like a Dragon

Like a Dragon review

"On a technical side the film is more accomplished than his earlier work, it contains more than enough quirky Miike touches and while certified strange and off-kilter, it's not all-out insane."

Tracing Shadow

Tracing Shadow review

"Mak and Ng gave the film a unique style and flavor while royally quoting older films from the genre. Amusing, fun and quite lovely to look at. Great fun altogether."


Suffocation review

"More important is the suffocating atmosphere that takes a firm grip on the audience, strengthened by the close-up photography, consistent color palette and strong performance of Ge."


Dogville review

"I never liked von Trier's Dogme obsession, as it largely contradicts my own views on cinema. Luckily the man suffers from a rather short attention span."

Seven 2 One

Seven 2 One review

"Above all Seven 2 One is true visual feast. Danny Pang, while showcasing a somewhat different style from his brother, proves he has his own set of skills to perfect in his solo projects."

The Hotel Venus

The Hotel Venus review

"The mysterious setup, the stylish cinematography, and the solid performances all contribute to a lovely drama that neatly balances genre and arthouse elements."


Rocknrolla review

"For any Ritchie fan out there, RocknRolla is surely a film worth watching, as long as you don't expect another refreshing masterpiece."

The Brøken

The Brøken review

"By far one of the most stylish horror films to come out of England in quite a while. Ellis proves himself a great director, who can handle more than one style."

The Beckoning

The Beckoning review

"That said, there is still plenty to enjoy. The film is blessed with a creepy atmosphere, luscious visuals and some pretty interesting twists."

Volcano High

Volcano High review

"The styling is zany and explicit, while the story is little more than an excuse for some great action scenes. And that's exactly what a film like this should be about."

25th Hour

25th Hour review

"When I first watched 25th Hour the film left a bigger impression on me. Maybe it's because I hadn't seen that many films back then, maybe it's because time has blunted some of its initial impact."

The City of Lost Souls

The City of Lost Souls review

"It doesn't ruin a film like The City of Lost Souls, but it does take away part of the appeal. There's still plenty of fun to be had with this film though."

Smokin' Aces

Smokin' Aces review

"Take a bunch of wonky hitmen, add the necessary explosive firepower, pepper it with an over-the-top approach, and you have a film that still stand proud today."


Saw review

"The traps are creative, the rundown look is very effective and Bell's portrayal of the killer is nothing less than iconic, but it's unclear how long these elements will keep the film afloat."

Snakes and Earrings

Snakes and Earrings review

"It's a beautiful film, sometimes alienating, sometimes weird and impenetrable, but always humane and warm, embracing its characters rather than discarding them as outcasts."

The Wonderful World of Captain Kuhio

The Wonderful World of Captain Kuhio review

"While a tad long, Kuhio Taisa is a great film that has little or no trouble keeping your attention. Sakai does a great job portraying Kuhio as a weird, devious but ultimately likable character."


Grotesque review

"Grotesque is for all those people who need a lesson in what torture porn flicks really are."

The Machine Girl

The Machine Girl review

"If you like Japanese weirdness, gore and crazy black comedy coolness you'll like The Machine Girl."

Summer Wars

Summer Wars review

"From the actual animation to the behavior of the little kids, running around with their DSes, Summer Wars will come off as surprisingly recognizable"

Town Creek

Town Creek review

"A short, fun and visually accomplished ride through Schumacher's world of Nazis and horror. Just sit back and enjoy the ride."


Them review

"The duo went on to make the unfortunate US adaptation of The Eye and each went their own separate way after that. A real shame because as a duo they showed great promise directing horror films."

The Simpsons Movie

The Simpsons Movie review

"A film that doesn't deviate too much from the original show, but adds a bit of extra appeal that wouldn't have been possible if it had remained stuck on TV."

Island Etude

Island Etude review

"Island Etude is a nice little film bearing little to no weak points, but never really excelling either."


Parade review

"Parade is quite a lengthy film and the first hour you might be excused for wondering what all the fuzz is about."

The Red Shoes

The Red Shoes review

"The ending is pretty cool (especially the short second ending), the film never bores, remains beautiful throughout and is just plain good at everything it tries and does."

Dragon Hunters

Dragon Hunters review

"The film is visually pleasing (though not technically perfect), packs an enjoyable sense of humor, great creature and world design and doesn't give you the chance to become bored."

The Collector

The Collector review

"The pacing is fast, the tension strong and the concept fun enough to make it a lovely little genre film."

[Rec] 2

[Rec] 2 review

"If you didn't like the first film, I can't see how you'll like this one. Stylistically the films are very much alike, though the directors made better use of the style this time around."

Hole in the Sky

Hole in the Sky review

"Hole In The Sky is slow-paced cinema. There isn't much happening in terms of dramatic events, the characters are rigid and introvert and odd behavior is often taken for granted."

The Moss

The Moss review

"The Moss is not a wildly original film, but executed so well that it impresses from the very first seconds right until the final credit fades from the screen."


Nina review

"The gritty cinematography and the eerie soundtrack are genre staples, but the Brazilian setting, the spirited performances, and the puzzling finale add that little bit of extra spice."

Nightmare Detective

Nightmare Detective review

"It's still a great film though. Even a slightly watered down Tsukamoto film is way better than most of the J-Horror films released in the past 15 years."

Peony Pavilion

Peony Pavilion review

"If you want a love story set in early 20th-century China that subverts traditional gender roles, complemented by impeccable styling and stand-out performances, this should be your go-to film."

Electric Shadows

Electric Shadows review

"There is a little cruft near the end and some parts could've been streamlined a little better, but overall it's a sweet and endearing film that shows a deep love for cinema."

Locomotive Teacher

Locomotive Teacher review

"I became transfixed by the soothing island atmosphere, the laid-back pacing and the nice surroundings."


Butterfly review

"The stylish cinematography, the beautiful soundtrack, and two amazing central performances make this a lively and empathic LGBTQ+ romance."

Before Born

Before Born review

"It's obscurity stands in the way of easy availability and while it's definitely a good film, it lacks a little uniqueness to call it a true masterpiece."

The Man of the Year

The Man of the Year review

"The setup of the plot is smart, the styling is a bit edgier, the performances are strong and the way everything unfolds propels you through the first half of the film."

The Battling Angel

The Battling Angel review

"The Battling Angel is a movie with obvious shortcomings, but offers plenty in return to direct your mind away from them. Whether you can solely depends on what you expect from it."

The Disappearance of Alice Creed

The Disappearance of Alice Creed review

"That said, the final act is still pretty tense and enjoyable and does little to eclipse the first hour."

A Day on the Planet

A Day on the Planet review

"It's not always easy tracking down Yukisada's films, but for fans of this type of films it's definitely worth the trouble."

Honey & Clover

Honey & Clover review

"Honey And Clover is a nice, solid genre entry that sinks you comfortable to the back of the couch, letting a feeling of warmth and melancholy slip over you."

Love on Sunday

Love on Sunday review

"Love on Sunday is an endearing film with a warm, summery vibe, strong performances and effective drama without any false sentiment."

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort review

"It is far from a perfect film, maybe not a film that will stay with you for a very long time, but it sure sticks out from the rest."


Zombieland review

"If you're up for an entertaining, funny and fast zombie flick than Zombieland should be first pick. Even though it's not wildly original it hits all the right notes."

Life During Wartime

Life During Wartime review

"I would advise against making this the first Solondz film you watch, just try Happiness or Storytelling first as these films are a bit more accessible."

One Million Yen Girl

One Million Yen Girl review

"One Million Yen Girl is a very typical Japanese drama which does little to really set itself apart from its peers. It will mostly appear to fans of the genre, which I happen to be."

The Children

The Children review

"Still, The Children is a strong entry in the recent horror hype."

In Love with the Dead

In Love with the Dead review

"In Love With The Dead is a neat little genre film that thrives on atmosphere, providing a solid dramatic base overlaid with dark and brooding sentiments."

The Graduates

The Graduates review

"It's a pretty good film for newcomers and hardened fans alike. The film is accessible, has enough drama for those not quite used to the slow pacing and leaves enough room for meandering thoughts."

Heavenly Forest

Heavenly Forest review

"Tada, Kimi Wo Aishiteru is a sweet, cute, good-natured and hopelessly naive little film."

Taipei 24H

Taipei 24H review

"After a somewhat slow start Taipei 24h gets up to steam and doesn't let down again."


Halfway review

"In the end Halfway is a film primarily made for existing fans of the genre. It's a very good, solid entry in the genre but does little to cross any existing boundaries."

Turn Left Turn Right

Turn Left Turn Right review

"Turn Left, Turn Right is a simple, light-hearted drama, but conceptually quite strong and pure. The film demands that you go along with its concept and leave it at that."

Inland Empire

Inland Empire review

"Inland Empire is still a pretty interesting film and if you've enjoyed Lynch's older films it won't be too much of a disappointment. But expect crappy video quality and less than preferable visuals."


Acolytes review

"Acolytes could've failed in many ways, but in the end it didn't, which is quite the accomplishment."


Alone review

"Fans of Shutter should really try and find this film as there is little that can disappoint them."


Secret review

"Feels a bit poppy and maybe a bit too flimsy, apart from that it's one big solid romance with a pretty cool twist and a magnificent ending leaving you pretty fulfilled after the film has finished."

Room 205

Room 205 review

"Still, Barnewitz execution is almost flawless and if you're still looking for some good Asian suspense fun, even though it comes from Denmark, Kollegiet is a pretty safe bet."

Sun Scarred

Sun Scarred review

"Part drama, part subdued revenge, which a big finger pointing at the passive attitude of many instances and people in this film, the film impresses until the very end."

Flowers in the Shadow

Flowers in the Shadow review

"If you liked Always - Sunset On Third Street I'm pretty confident to recommend this film, if not it might be better to catch that film first."

Phobia 2

Phobia 2 review

"Phobia is a good start for people interested in Thai horror, though it does lack the truly gory stuff that resides in many of it's full-length competitors."

The House

The House review

"The House is not the most chilling film ever made, nor the most touching."

Lars and the Real Girl

Lars and the Real Girl review

"Lars and the Real Girl is rare gem blending dry humor with well-dosed drama and a feel-good vibe. Many people seem to miss the humor but I've been smiling and laughing throughout the whole film."

A Long Walk

A Long Walk review

"That said, the film left me with a very contented and warm feeling."

Snow White: The Sequel

Snow White: The Sequel review

"The film is pretty short and rightfully so. A joke can only be stretched that far, and when you start getting used to the tone of the film the fun slowly fades."


Wheat review

"Everyone looking for a more toned-down, stylish yet amusing war film should have a go at it. Remember that the first half our is a bit rough around the edges, things will get only better after that."

I Don't Want To Sleep Alone

I Don't Want To Sleep Alone review

"In the end I Don't Want To Sleep Alone is another typical Tsai film, with some slight experimentations that are in no way big enough to attract new viewers or to push away existing fans."

Basic Love

Basic Love review

"A pretty low profile film that is sure not to reach the West any time soon, but fans of the Pang brothers should do well to seek it out anyway."

Mum & Dad

Mum & Dad review

"Potential aplenty and if the idea of a mellowed down mix between Calvaire and Martyrs appeals to you this is definitely a film worth watching. "

Seventh Moon

Seventh Moon review

"It's a shame that Sanchez couldn't get the camera work right, otherwise Seventh Moon could've been a contender of films like [Rec] and Blair Witch."

Leaving Me, Loving You

Leaving Me, Loving You review

"Wonderful cinematography, lush sets and two strong actors make this film. You have to wade through a few mushy parts, mostly in the beginning, after that it's all good."

Ghost in the Shell 2.0

Ghost in the Shell 2.0 review

"It was a while since I last watched Ghost in the Shell, but the film still feels like a dream."

White Panic

White Panic review

"All in all White Panic is a great calling card for director Shugo Fujii (who you might already know from Living Hell)."

The Men who Stare at Goats

The Men who Stare at Goats review

"Genuinely funny big budget American comedies are very hard to come by."


Blood review

"Visually luscious, a cool take on the vampire genre and some nifty set pieces are more than enough for Blood to fly through its economic running time."


CJ7 review

"A film that could charm you as easily as it could disappoint you. Chow is enough of a director to pull it off, but those wanting another typical Chow comedy will be left with empty hands."


Coweb review

"Coweb is little more than an excuse to show some nicely choreographed fights and that's what it delivers. All the rest is filler and is handled accordingly."

The Fourth Kind

The Fourth Kind review

"Best to judge for yourself though. How you go into the film will have a big influence on your appreciation. If you don't like the trick Osunsanmi is pulling you'll quite probably hate it."

Harry Brown

Harry Brown review

"Harry Brown has quite a lot to offer. Visually strong, aided by a great soundtrack and a more than solid cast, it's a grim film that presents itself way better than most of the competition."

They Came Back

They Came Back review

"The film remains mysterious throughout its complete running time, though nothing much is actually happening."

Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre

Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre review

"Kemp's film starts off pretty typical, but with each scene things get stranger and more awkward."

Tamami: The Baby's Curse

Tamami: The Baby's Curse review

"It sports a cool main character, some nice camera work and very atmospheric and detailed styling."


Postal review

"A film that is very aware of its strong points and exploits it to the point of pure mastery. It's rude, lacks subtlety, lacks any kind of serious attempt to tell a story, but remains funny throughout"


Phobia review

"All in all, the film presents four fun horror shorts, none of them below average, three of them come up with interesting elements."


February review

"It's a nice drama with some timely accents, well acted and the film's a pleasure to look at. All in all a good reconnaissance with Sippapak's work"


Gratitude review

"The soundtrack and visuals wrap themselves around the audience like a warm blanket while the drama slowly unfolds and runs its course. Fans of the genre will feel right at home"


Rampage review

"Rampage is a pretty relentless film, but considering its concept and themes the execution is pretty spot on. No politically correct endings, no censorship, no concessions."

To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


Days with You

Days with You review

"Koikyokusei is a beautiful little drama, only hampered by some bad musical choices."

To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


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To be revealed


To be revealed


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To be revealed


To be revealed


To be revealed


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To be revealed